Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is clothes-minded! The lefty darling set tongues wagging when she donned a luxe designer dress for her Wednesday appearance on “The View.” “Don’t you love it when an avowed…
“Bernie marched right up to NBC and MSNBC’s head of creative production and began jabbing his finger right in his face, yelling, ‘Your coverage of my campaign is not fair . . . Your questions tonig…
Robert Mueller’s investigation into the 2016 presidential election was predicated largely on the claim Russian intelligence had hacked the Democratic National Committee’s servers ahead of the Novem…
Our constitution did not contemplate spies as a branch of government
#walkaway movement never thought I’d make this but I did
They can only propose it, according to Perak mufti and Johor exco member
Why can Obama take credit for his first few years in office but not Trump?
On Friday - after nearly 30 hours of discussions in Brussels - the 27 remaining EU countries failed to agree on the overall size of the bloc's 2021 to 2027 budget or how to spend it.
  Profanity Warning   Following NBA star Dwyane Wade’s claim that his son identified as transgender at age 3, a father posted a video of his son of the same age identifying as an egg omel…
Bernie Sanders recently released a campaign video in which he says that he is “very proud to be Jewish” and that he looks forward to “becoming the first Jewish president in the history of this coun…
Trump and Modi have deepened defense cooperation against the odds.
A video essay on the true motivations behind transgender pronoun speech codes and a call to action for those who wish to speak freely and truthfully in the a...
Twitter and Jack Dorsey have given us plenty of evidence that they cannot be trusted on bias, shadowbanning, or the company's ideological censorship.
Former Vice President Joe Biden has a documented history of making up stories to make him sound more interesting on the campaign trail, and he’s up to his old tricks again. In the past two weeks, Biden has suddenly started claiming he was arrested in South Africa while on his way to visit Nelson Mandela. […]
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., told "Hannity" Friday that while Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has a "distant possibility of winning" the presidency in November, there's a much better chance that his candidacy brings an end to Nancy Pelosi's tenure as House Speaker.
California has a serious homeless problem. The governor, Gavin Newsom, recently proved he has absolutely no idea how to solve it. During his state of the state address this week, he said that doctors should be able to write prescriptions for housing, just like insulin and antibiotics. The Washington Examiner reports: California governor: ‘Doctors should …
The Bloomberg campaign pinned the vandalism this week at their Tennessee office on Bernie Sanders supporters. Makes sense. Those commies are crazy. Via FOX News.
Undercover journalist David Daleiden was arraigned Friday on 10 felony counts for his exposés of the abortion industry’s trafficking of aborted baby body parts.
Zoltan Istvan foresees self-perfection and immortality through technology. What could possibly go wrong?
And the fall of the political establishment
Here we go! The Nevada Democrat Party asked caucus volunteers to sign confidentiality agreements that would prevent them from talking to the media. The Nevada Democrat caucuses will take place Saturday and officials are worried about another tech meltdown. One Nevada Dem volunteer predicted a “complete disaster.” The Iowa caucuses were a total train wreck …
In the dystopian 2006 cult classic film Idiocracy, the collapse in humanity’s collective IQ 500 years hence is explained by a narrator describing how in the early 2000s, evolution no longer rewarded the human species’ most noble and salutary traits. Two...
Since the election or even before of Donald Trump, the Democratic Party, assisted or led by, as the ...

The Bloomberg Is Off the Rose

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Instant dismissals of Michael Bloomberg’s Wednesday night performance in the Democratic debate as a disaster are exaggerations of what happened. But there is no question the reality of him was a le…