Dem Senator Finally Admits To Meeting Secretly With Iranian Leader In Germany.According to a new bombshell report from the Federalist, Democrat Senator...
Over the past year, Western media have increasingly repeated the Iran regime’s disinformation seeking to discredit the Iranian resistance. This weekend the New York Times became the latest left-lea…
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., didn’t waste any time during Wednesday night’s Democratic debate in attacking the new candidate on the stage, ripping former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg for his past comments on women and for using his wealth to surge in the 2020 presidential race.
Fresh examination of the FBI complaint lodged in 2019 reveals the extent of the actions taken by Ahmad Abouammo (top) and Ali Alzabarah (bottom) at Twitter
The NRA got a piece of this action too! All of them joined forces in California to repeal a law permitting the open carry of loaded…
President Trump on Wednesday signed an order in California to re-engineer the state’s water plans, completing a campaign promise to funnel water from the north to a thirsty ag industry and growing population further south.
.02/20/2020 2:57:42AM EST.
.02/20/2020 2:55:37AM EST.
Attorney General William Barr is enlisting U.S. attorneys outside the Beltway either to investigate or review several high-level cases related to President Trump, the Washington Post reported over …
A new poll that shows Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., leading his rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination by double digits should "terrify everyone," conservative commentator Ben Shapiro said this week.

Swim for your life out of the GDR!

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

4 people swim across the Spree to get out of Real Existing Socialism. More -*** 24 Feb 2014 ** I subtitled this video so I could show it to about 3 or 4 frie...
Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar claimed during Wednesday night's debate that the best way to end sexism on the internet would be to make a woman the nominee.
In a wildly popular Medium piece, Dr. Karlyn Borysenko described what it was like attending a Trump rally as a Democrat. She told Glenn Beck crossing party l...
In his introductory statement made to the Department of Justice Section 230 Workshop, Attorney General William Barr discussed the problems brought on by the rise of Big Tech. “No longer are tech companies the underdog upstarts,” said Barr to the Feb. 19 panels. “They have become titans of U.S. industry.”
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) immediately went after billionaire Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg during NBC’s debate on Wednesday night over his previous comments on women. “I’d like to talk about who we are running against, a billionaire who calls women, ‘fat broads,’ and ‘horse-faced lesbians,’” Warren said. “And no, I’m not talking […]
The Trump administration is siding with software company Oracle over Google in the pivotal Supreme Court battle that has pitted the U.S. government against some of the top titans of the tech industry. 
Outsourced manufacturing jobs, expensive housing, and the opioid crisis all because of China. FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Netw...
NEW YORK (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg said Wednesday that he won't release women from confidentiality agreements they've signed relating to allegations of a hostile...
Maybe Trump really isn't Literally Hitler
I haven't annoyed my irreligious friends in a while, and the only person who reads this blog that I don't want to be annoyed occasionally is...