
They don't like when the truth is told...


Michael Bloomberg has begun an initiative to pay social media users to promote his work and agenda ahead of the 2020 election.


Across the globe, there are a series political movements and factions pushing an agenda that has not appeared on the scene for many years…


During CNN's coverage of Friday's Democratic presidential debate, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said that she will | Clips During CNN's coverage of Friday's Democratic presidential debate, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said that she will accept donations from fellow 2020 Democrat former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg if she wins the party's nomination and she believes "that we should not be selling access to our time."


Sky Channel Australia Slams Madame Speaker Pelosi… Female Guest – “Nancy Pelosi’s just vile… She’s so repulsive. And I just say good on him, he’s going to rub it in.…


Mr. DiPaola alleges that President Trump is none other than a traitor to this country and a Russian asset.


Iran’s hard-liners have already secured a takeover of the parliament in elections this month; Trump says any negotiations are totally up to Iran.


As the 2020 Democratic presidential field dwindled, so did their apparent prospects at winning the election come November. Friday was witness to the latest installment in banal Democratic Presidential debates and even their greatest allies in the media could not help but take note of its dull nature. So much so, that ABC (the network who hosted the event) shifted into worrisome mode once the debate concluded.


CARACAS, Venezuela — After decades of dominating its oil industry, the Venezuelan government is quietly surrendering control to foreign companies


President Donald Trump on Thursday tweeted out a video that showed images of the people the president honored at the State of the Union alongside clips of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) ripping up Trump’s speech. The caption for the video reads “Powerful American Stories Ripped To Shreds By Nancy Pelosi.” Trump supporters would see […]


We shouldn’t tune out the warnings about Social Security and Medicare.


Striking hospital workers in Hong Kong demanded a complete shutdown of the city's border with China on Friday in response to the coronavirus.


The Daily Fodder is a news website focused on thoughts and commentary about life, society, and human events.


Democratic turnout for this week’s Iowa caucuses fell well below expectations, leading some in the party to wonder if the state has become more conservative—or if voters aren’t as enthusiastic about defeating President Trump as they hoped.


Spread the loveIf planes were fueled by her hypocrisy and lies we could all have our personal ones! Help Defeat Censorship! Commenting on our FacebookContinue reading


Would college students support a policy that would force those with high GPAs to donate part of their own GPA to help those with lower grades? With the recen...


Don Jr: Thanks To Schiff We Know Who To Fire, In a brutal tweet that is making waves on social media, Don Jr. sarcastically “thanked” Adam Schiff.


Trump Cleans House As He Fires Sondland As well, This story is developing.According to the NYTimes, President Trump and his aides wasted little time


Source: Mac Slavo A Gallup poll released on Tuesday found that president Donald Trump had received the highest economic approval rating of any president in the last 20 years. A whopping 63% of the …


There is poetic justice in the chaos we've witnessed in Iowa.
First, the Des Moines Register pulled its definitive poll, to which everyone turns as the final...


The most conservative judge on the US Supreme Court was once a dedicated black militant who memorised the speeches of Malcolm X.


The Iowa caucuses used to be viewed as endearing, now they're just a mess. We sift through the debris.


Commentary Few conceptions are more destructive to American society, drive us further apart, than “identity politics,” the idea ...