
President Donald Trump gave his victory speach in the White House after being acquitted by the senate on Wednesday.


DHS will no longer let New Yorkers enroll in several programs intended to expedite international travel.


Mississippi State football coach Mike Leach unloaded some thoughts about Mitt Romney early Thursday morning. He asked if anybody wanted him on their team.


Li Wenliang, a doctor in China who was allegedly detained for sounding alarm over the coronavirus before he himself was sickened by the illness, has died.


‘What a sad, sad moment after, you know, 300 plus years of democracy’


Tax cuts for the wealthy are a “structure of sin,” Pope Francis said in an address calling for international wealth redistribution.


Rand Paul destroyed former Obama CIA director John Brennan in an epic Twitter smackdown after Brennan said Paul was 'beneath contempt.'


The Donald Trump White House put out a photograph of


Minorities who do work with Trump are maligned by the very same Trump-is-a-racist critics as "sellouts," "Uncle Toms" and "self-loathers."


Bill comes amid focus on Sen. Mitt Romney and impeachment, but lawmaker says it isn’t to target him


Orange County was forced to release thousands of illegal aliens in the past 2 years, with the sheriff's department and ICE blaming California's sanctuary law.


John Harwood and CNN Newsroom co-host Jim Sciutto took it upon themselves on Wednesday to fact check President Trump's State of the Union Address, but instead of simply fact-checks, the two qualified Trump's true statements with their own opinions and multiple "yeah, but" verdicts.


197.8k Likes, 15.8k Comments - Donald Trump Jr. (@donaldjtrumpjr) on Instagram: “Mitt Romney is forever bitter that he will never be POTUS. He was too weak to beat the Democrats…”


Majority (51%) Views Republican Party Favorably. "Additionally, the poll finds 48% of Americans identifying as Republicans or leaning toward that party, compared with 44% Democratic identification or leaning."


Montoya-Lewis had no role models when she moved from the tribal court system to the state courts. But now her career is paving the way for others to follow.


The Department of Homeland Security has blocked New Yorkers from enrolling in Global Entry and other Trusted Traveler Programs (TTPs) in response to the state’s law allowing undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’


MSNBC reacted to the acquittal of Donald Trump in the Senate with a predictably unhappy tone, speculating about the day when the truth will really come out. But Brian Williams took it a step farther and questioned the faith of certain unnamed senators.


MIAMI (AP) — Six American oil executives under house arrest in Venezuela were rounded up by police hours after President Donald Trump met Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro's chief opponent at...


President Trump delivered a tour de force affirmation of American exceptionalism in his State of the Union address Tuesday night. He deservedly trumpeted the policies of the last three years that...


A specter is haunting the Democratic Partythe specter of socialism.
For several years, this hard-left movement has been gaining support within the party, especially among younger voters. In a few...


The candidate who has described himself as a democratic socialist has ideas for nearly every aspect of American economic life. Here’s what a Bernie Sanders presidency might mean for business.


Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas suggested Wednesday that the Russians were behind the vote-reporting app crashing during Monday’s Iowa Democratic caucuses.


Shortly after President Donald Trump's acquittal, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell went right back to work confirming judges.


A lunatic on the campus of Arizona State University shouted death threats against Republicans, shouting, "Slash his throat!" I went to ASU, and I remember the days when Republicans and Democrats treated each other civilly.