Texas governor calls Texas “the last bastion of opportunity,” says people who move here from other states need to remember “exactly why they’re fleeing.”
Prince Charles, the heir apparent to the throne in the UK, was caught on camera snubbing a handshake from Vice President Mike Pence at an Auschwitz memorial event in Jerusalem, Israel, Thursday. As Pr
Over 20 Fed Up Senators Shun Schiff-Refuse To Sit For His 3 Hours Presentation, Multiple reports indicate that lead impeachment manager’s long-winded 3 hour
Will the Supreme Court strike down laws that limit their choices?
Baghdad-born Dalia al-Aqidi says Rep. Illhan Omar 'supports Islamists and enemies of America and Israel, and there are no exceptions.'
The withdrawal agreement bill has been given Royal Assent, meaning it has become law and the UK is leaving the EU on January 31st, 2020.
"This all-out assault on basic safeguards will send our country back to the days when corporate polluters could dump whatever sludge or slime they wished into the streams and wetlands that often connect to the water we drink."
U.S.—Addressing a crowd earlier this week, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez declared that Joseph Stalin was actually a conservative or at least a center-right kind of guy."Nobody was actually on the left in Soviet Russia -- Stalin was center or center-conservative," she said. "Did Stalin have a Green New Deal? I don't think so. …
CNN fact check reporter Daniel Dale fact checked claims made by President Donald Trump's lawyers during the first day of the Senate's impeachment trial.
Pritzker on Wednesday joined those calling for hearings, but he stopped short of blaming White, a political ally: "Look, I don’t think we need to be pointing fingers at anybody about blame."
Tebow, famous athlete and virgin, understood he wouldn't find fulfillment in casual sex. Funny Twitter memes aside, young men can learn from his example.
As a songwriter and storyteller, theologian and educator, family man and public figure, Fred Rogers should be known for much more than his cardigan.
Above all, we must give high schoolers personalized post-secondary educational recommendations before they get caught in the quagmire of student debt.
A Georgia middle school teacher could be deported after she was charged last week with molesting one of her students who prosecutors allege is now in love with her. 
At the World Economic Forum, President Trump gave a 30 minute speech where he touted how wonderful the American economy is doing. Perhaps the most interesting part of his speech was “We will unlock Next Generation Nuclear Technology and reveal new technology very soon that they said couldn’t be done
.01/23/2020 12:52:56PM EST.
The Democratic presidential candidates pose more of a threat to the powerful and wealthy than Trump does.

The Enemies of Writing

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

A writer who’s afraid to tell people what they don’t want to hear has chosen the wrong trade.
Failed Democrat presidential candidate Robert Francis O’Rourke is aggressively campaigning for state-level candidates for the Texas legislature in traditionally safe Republican counties and is partnering with radical anti-freedom groups to help promote his agenda. Top Republican sources in Texas tell The Daily Wire that they are concerned about O’Rourke’s efforts because they say that Republican […]
Biden also shot down reports that Democrats were even considering a witness-swap deal.
Receiving a “political benefit” does not transform an otherwise legal action (like requesting an investigation) into an abuse of power.
When the goal is reducing the prison population, rather than reducing crime.
House Democrats' handling of the Trump impeachment to date may be turning off Republicans -- notably, those seen as possible defectors in a final vote. 
An editorial at National Review badly misunderstands the Republican position on impeachment and the future of the conservative movement.