
At least the Times admits that PragerU is offering something students don't find on campus.


Recall that on April 11, 2011, President Barack Obama announced that he would be running for a second term. And twenty two days later, on May 2, 2011, Navy Seals, under the direct order of the President — who was watching via TV cameras from the White House Situation Room- stormed Osama bin Laden’s no-longer-secret compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Killing him.


The Selective Service System website crashed just hours after the announcement that the U.S. had launched a successful drone strike that killed Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander Qasem Suleimani. The website's crash was due to rumors being spread on social media that rising tensions between Ir...


Hackers from Iran have claimed responsibility for a cyber strike on the American Federal Depository Library Programme (FDLP) and warn 'this is just the beginning'


A wholesome meme about empathy has set the internet ablaze as opposing sides duke it out. Initially created to ward off a vitriolic comic, far left reactionaries are not taking too kindly to being painted as perpetrators of hate.


These are the voices we should be listening to


Donald Trump said Saturday that the U.S. has identified 52 Iranian targets that will be struck "very fast and very hard."


Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., appeared to have been tricked by Russian pranksters into thinking she was speaking on the phone with climate activist Greta Thunberg and was being convinced that she had dirt on President Trump.


(Bloomberg) -- Their supreme leader promised revenge and thousands gathered in Tehran to watch American flags burn, but any show of defiance after the assassination of their most prominent military man is laced with anguish for many Iranians.In the capital, the strike that took out Al Quds commander


A social services worker is claiming that she was fired from her job and escorted out of the building by police after her employer learned that she had a concealed handgun license—even though she had never brought a gun to work.


Ignoring the early emotional response, it quickly becomes clear that the best way for Iran to try and turn the situation to its advantage is the exact opposite of what media are telling us today


The murder rate in London reached a decade high under the leadership of Mayor Sadiq Khan, with 149 people losing their lives in 2019.


A Google Executive Tried To Protect Human Rights In China. He Now Says Google Pushed Him Out For It.
For years, Google executive Ross LaJeunesse tried to get the mega company to commit to protecting human rights in China. He was actually tasked with doing just that, The Washington Post reported on Thursday. Nearly a decade ago, Google announced that “it would stop censoring search results there to safeguard security and free speech,” the […]


Whether you are a media figure or a mullah, a prime minister or a pope, he will be good to you if you are good to him.


"When you have power, you don’t take responsibility for abusing others," Gilliam said in an interview with The Independent. "You enjoy the power. That’s the way it works in reality.”


“Hey man. I know you’re in mourning but I thought you should know that Iran’s former name is “Persia”. Remember that empire of ‘brown bodies’ that invaded, slaughtered, and imperialized for about 900 years?
That was them. https://t.co/XF3HaYyyed”


The Last Refuge -- Think about all of the media panel discussions on gun ownership you have watched; segments where Second Amendment advocates were ridiculed by media pundits for daring to bring up the possibility of… Judges spar with Democrats,…


79-year-old star also labelled #MeToo Movement 'a witch hunt'


Maxine Waters’ phone call with ‘Greta Thunberg’ the work of Russian pranksters Russian pranksters Vladimir Kuznetsov (Vovan) and Alexey Stolyarov (Lexus) have launched an i…


The U.S. dealt a major blow in taking out Iran’s imperial strategist. But the mullahs’ next move likely won’t be a dramatic escalation.


A court granted an order preventing a Texas hospital from removing baby Tinslee Lewis from life support until the court makes a final ruling in the case.


Erin Burnett's interview of an Iranian ambassador yesterday was little more than anti-Trump, pro-Iran propaganda.


After President Donald Trump ordered the U.S. military to take out Iran’s secretive Quds Force commander, Qassem Suleimani, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said the president should have asked for permission from Congress before conducting the airstrike. “The Administration has conducted tonight’s strikes in Iraq targeting high-level Iranian military officials and killing Iranian Quds Force […]


The crazy is strong with these folks.