
They've been powerful partners from the beginning.


President Putin says the nuclear-capable Avangard missiles put Russia in a class of its own.


EVANSVILLE, Ind., Dec. 27 (UPI) — China more than doubled its purchases of U.S. soybeans between October and November, making good on the


Anchor-turned media exec Soledad O’Brien blasted CNN and its chief media correspondent Brian Stelter for the network's practice of booking guests who "intentionally" lie on air.


Luxembourg Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich has decried the exploitation of migrants in Greece and the shameful inaction of Europeans.


It is no surprise that liberals are unhappy to have President Trump in office, but how far are they willing to go in order to obstruct him? According to Yale professor of psychiatry and apparent


Número do ano passado era de 47,6 mil e passou para 70,8 mil nos primeiros 11 meses de 2019; recorde ao menos desde 1997


Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is gaining increasing recognition among backroom Democrats who are taking his presidential campaign very seriously.


Michael Moore declared that white people "are not good people" and that you should "be afraid" of them in an interview on "The Rolling Stone" podcast "Useful Idiot." Moore warned people that if they see a group of 3 white men approaching them that they should cross the street because at least 2 of them voted for Trump.
"I refuse to participate in post-racial America," Moore said. "I refuse to say because we elected Obama that suddenly that means everything is okay, white people have changed. White people have not changed."
"Two-thirds of all white guys voted for Trump. That means anytime you see three white guys walking at you, down the street toward you, two of them voted for Trump. You need to move over to the other sidewalk because these are not good people that are walking toward you. You should be afraid of them," Moore warned.
"We're traitors to our race, that's how they see us," Moore said of pro-Trump white people.
This followed a discussion of the Flint Water Crisis in which Moore would not rule out that black people were targeted as a reason for the ongoing problem.


New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has signed a bill championed by the WGA East and the DGA that will support a study into the lack of opportunities for female and minority TV writers and directors in the …


Ocasio-Cortez’s work as a surrogate for Bernie Sanders has triggered speculation about a potential bid of her own for the White House.


An Erie County man who says in an ad on a left-leaning website that he regrets voting for President Donald Trump in 2016 didn’t actually vote for him, according to news organizations that checked his voting record.


It's clear that Democrats intend to maintain impeachment as an issue beyond its constitutional course.


In an effort to further capture his base, the president will be launching the “Evangelicals for Trump” coalition in Miami, Florida, on January 3. “The Trump campaign’s launch of ‘Evangelicals for Trump’ will be held at a Florida megachurch with a capacity of 7,000 congregants, the campaign said Friday,” reports The Washington Times. “The outreach […]


Film maker and liberal talking head Michael Moore is making headlines once again; this time his face is not making the rounds in an effort to promote his latest leftist-agenda promoting documentary but instead some


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has come under fire from Democrats, and at least one Republican, for his coordination with the White House on the pending impeachment trial -- but the outrage overlooks the fact that Democrats took a similar approach with President Bill Clinton during his 1999 trial in the Senate.


(CNN) - Movie scenes get cut for all sorts of reasons, but some are arguing one involving the president was political. Presiden...


""I am beginning to believe that a mental health hold, which we have tried to avoid, will become inevitable."


"It's called having standards for your conduct to not be funded by billionaires but to be funded by the people."


Film director Michael Moore, a longtime TDS sufferer, says that if the presidential election were held today, President Trump would win. Asked during an interview with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! if Trump would win in 2020, Moore said: “I think if the election were held today.” But the director predicted that the Democratic candidate …


News organizations checked voting records; the Pennsylvania GOP demanded an apology.


It is now illegal for a retailer to sell any tobacco product – including cigarettes, cigars and e-cigarettes – to anyone under 21, the FDA


Immigration judges frustrated with the Trump administration’s tightening of control over the Department of Justice based immigration court system are resigning from the bench in higher than normal numbers, many out of frustration, according to a report by CNN. The crack down began under former Attorney General Jeff Sessions and has continued under Attorney General …


BREAKING- Israel Preps Military Confrontation With Iran, Israel says they are preparing for a military confrontation with Iran and hopes they don’t