Republicans ratcheted up their accusations that Democrats are overplaying their impeachment hand after court filings from the House Judiciary Committee indicated the two articles of impeachment adopted last week may only be the beginning.
In brief, there are no sanctuary cities in Texas, thanks to Senate Bill 4, which was signed into law on May 7, 2017.
“Donald Trump will get over 20% of the black vote.” That’s what Jack Brewer, a former NFL player who played for the Minnesota Vikings, New York Giants and Philadelphia Eagles, tells The Washington Times. “That is what’s going to win the election. Why? Because there hasn’t been a Republican to even try to go in and […]
The latest example of Sen. Schumer's party-first attitude is his what he proposes for a Donald Trump Senate trial vs his proposals for Bubba Clinton's trial
Nancy Pelosi's impeachment delay violates the Sixth Amendment. The only "fair trial" possible now must result in a dismissal.
By Robert Romano Former Trump foreign policy campaign advisor Carter Page was a U.S. agent who reported on Russians to the CIA, not a Russian agent, a memorandum the FBI received as early as Aug. 2016 shows according to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report detailing abuses [...]
A new poll published this week revealed that 88 percent of colleges student believe that it is not offensive to wish someone a "Merry Christmas."
Nike’s new sneaker featuring former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick was sold out by Tuesday, a day after its release.
Say it with me: 'Believe in believing. The impossible is possible.'
Hunter Biden, 49, is reportedly 'the subject of more than one criminal investigation involving fraud, money laundering and a counterfeiting scheme'.
AOC Claims Strong Latino Women "SCARE" Trump, During a Spanish-only interview for Telemundo Sunday, Freshman lawmaker Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez accused
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he is not ruling out witnesses in President Donald Trump's impeachment trial, but indicated he was in no hurry to seek new testimony either.
Lawmakers on Monday remain at an "impasse" over the form of the trial by the GOP-controlled Senate after the House voted Wednesday to impeach Trump.
While growth from birth rates and legal immigration continue to swell the population, citizens are leaving the state in large numbers for other parts of the U.S.
George Soros, a chief financial supporter of Antifa, was himself a Nazi collaborator and to this day has no regrets—watch! — Available now on DVD, Blu-ray, &...
House Democrats on Monday raised the prospect of more articles of impeachment against President Trump, as Capitol Hill leaders hardened the impasse over a Senate trial on the two articles passed last week.
And it looks like they're listening...
U.S. legal and illegal immigration levels will create a markedly different House of Representatives -- and post-2020 electoral college votes -- than would have existed otherwise, a new study claims.
Most conservatives and liberals enjoy Christmas enough to just have a good time, though every once in awhile you get a Scrooge who refuses to fathom the reason of the season and badmouths the holiday and those who celebrate it. Salon’s politics writer Amanda Marcotte doubled down on her hatred for Christmas by calling those who celebrate it hypocrites who mean “fuck you” when they say “Merry Christmas.”
President Donald Trump has now appointed nine of the 29 judges on the liberal U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
President Donald Trump's judges are not only more conservative than Obama's were, but are also more qualified, and younger.
President Trump and his reelection team are aggressively courting black voters amid a strong economy that has reduced black unemployment to 5.5%, lowest in history.
BEIJING (AP) — China said Monday it will reduce tariffs Jan. 1 on more than 850 foreign products including frozen pork, asthma medications and some high-tech components to spur economic development.
Ever since the impeachment bandwagon got rolling in September, anything said in defense of President Trump is automatically dismissed by Democrats and their media allies as either (a) “Republican talking points,” (b) “Russian propaganda” or (c) a “conspiracy theory.” The...
There is nothing the least controversial about Clint Eastwood’s terrific Richard Jewell, except to the politically corrected mind. Like another 2019 film panned by the Left, it tells the true story of newsmaking white men and the traditional women in...