
The secular media will use CT's editorial to deepen the divide between American evangelicals. The stakes are very high, and our nation is dangerously divided – so let us be sure that, as God's people, we do not follow suit.


If the origins of this latest attempted coup against President Trump were to be revealed, it would leave a stain on the Democratic Party that would last for a generation.


The House of Representatives impeached Donald Trump this week – sort of. Impeachment itself is a process, not a vote, so if the articles of impeachment are never submitted to the Senate, Trump will have not been impeached. Regardless, despite the delays incurred so far, they are likely to make their way to the Senate …


Brazillian President Jair Bolsonaro blasted a journalist and said he has a "homosexual's face" during a heated news conference Friday over questions about his son's alleged corruption.


It takes more than "common sense" to implement so-called "common sense gun control."


Source: Breitbart House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appears to be considering an idea Democrats have floated for several days of withholding the articles of impeachment from the Senate to exercise …


A California middle school history teacher has reportedly been placed on leave after students said she made racist comments, including calling for the return of slavery.


"Space – going to be a lot of things happening in space," president says in signing bill to create Space Force


The vote is a significant breakthrough for Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who swept to electoral victory last week on a pledge to “get Brexit done.”


Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats said Trump had to be removed urgently. Now she is holding up the process, without constitutional authority.


Source: The Gateway Pundit President Trump posted a chilling meme a few hours after the lawless Democrats voted to impeach him for non-crimes. Democrats voted in a straight party line vote to impe…


Dems just keep digging that hole deeper


In his opening statement during Thursday’s Democratic presidential debate on PBS, businessman Andrew Yang took a few swings at the media for being untrustworthy and smearing good Americans in their pitiful explanations for why Donald Trump was elected president.


Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) proposed legislation on Tuesday that would close what he called a “loophole” in rape law. Cuomo claimed that prosecutors cannot bring rape charges against an accused person if an accuser voluntarily consumes alcohol. Cuomo’s proposal would change the state’s definition of those who cannot legally consent to sexual activity to include […]


This is the most consequential vote of the year!


President Donald Trump ripped Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday for withholding the articles of impeachment from the Senate, stating that was engaged in a “quid pro quo” and suggesting that she should be impeached. Trump’s tweet comes as Pelosi continues to hold the partisan articles of impeachment against Trump from going to the […]


Post with 0 votes and 919 views. The DNC wants their voters stupid. They want them to to be gullible and uninformed and uneducated. Judging by how many support aoc I would say they did a good job. Why do you think they want to lower the voting age?


“"Would you be willing to sacrifice potentially hundreds of thousands of blue collar workers in the interest of transitioning to that greener economy?"
@JoeBiden: "The answer is yes."


Doctor Strange Searches 14,000,605 Futures But Doesn't Find Any Where Trump Gets Removed From Office
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Concerned about their chances of successfully removing Trump from office via impeachment, Democrat leaders gathered in Washington to consult a Magic 8-ball. But Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez got too excited and shook it too hard, shattering the glass and rendering it useless.So, Nancy Pelosi put her on timeout and called a consultant: Do …


Thursday's debate featured few gotcha moments and many familiar shticks.


Appeals court said testimony about Jane’s intoxication was more important than her own words.


Another marquee dispute over the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is poised to reach the Supreme Court in 2020.


Anybody who steals someone else’s private property and then burns it to smoldering ash deserves some kind of punishment under the law, but do they deserve a full 16 years in prison if this act of vandalism is charged as a “hate crime?” One Iowa man now finds himself at the center of that controversial […]


.12/20/2019 16:58:02PM EST.


You've got to give it to Democrats: they freely admit they do not care one bit about blue-collar workers. They don't. They're the party by and for leftist academics, illegal immigrants, and SJW whackjobs. Although this has been the case for at least a few decades, they've always pretended to care...