Trump Raised Over $5 Million For Re-election On Impeachment Day, On Wednesday, while House Democrats were pushing their partisan campaign to impeach
Impeaching the president isn’t a Constitutional imperative. Nor is it a patriotic obligation.
Trump Job Approval And Economy Rating Hit Highs, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; On Ukraine: 52 Percent Say Trump Pursued Personal Interest
Pelosi has exactly as much power as Mitch McConnell allows her to have
President Trump’s re-election campaign raked in $5 million in donations Wednesday — the day the House of Representatives voted to impeach him, his campaign manager said. “Incredib…
The Trump administration is having to defend its unconstitutional ex post facto bump stock ban in a federal appeals court due to the relentless fighting of Gun Owners of America, who simply isn’t going to give the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) a pass when it ...
The pace was breathtaking. As congressional representatives clamored for face time in what looked like a suit-and-tie version of televised speed dating during the impeachment debate, things were moving even more rapidly in the U.S. Senate. Look at this — Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mc...
Rep. Louie Gohmert stormed the Mic at the Impeachment markup after Rep. Jerry Nadler accused him of "spouting Russian propaganda." WATCH Trump React to Impea...
J.K. Rowling has come under fire and is accused of transphobia for tweeting support for Maya Forstater, a woman who was fired over transphobic tweets.
After the long and thorough, and, of course, incredibly expensive Mueller investigation, Democrats were left distraught over a lack of any crime to justify going forward with impeachment. In the wake of the Mueller report, they’ve since promised new investigations in the hopes of finding some cri...
LONDON (Bywire News) - Just a week after he won the largest Conservative majority since Margaret Thatcher in 1987, the...
Critics of Trump note that no crime is necessary to impeach the president. While that's true, it speaks to how weak the Democrats' case against Trump is.
Last week, this year’s Christmas episode of ‘South Park’ came out, lampooning everything that’s wrong and right about legalizing cocaine.
If the LGBT mob wouldn’t let us celebrate cheesy Hallmark Christmas without celebrating sin, they won’t let us celebrate Jesus Christmas that way either.
Don’t question dear leader...
.12/19/2019 12:54:13PM EST.
Russian Dictator Vladimir Putin criticized House Democrats Thursday after they impeached President Donald Trump.
Democrats say it’s entirely possible that President Trump could be reelected in November, despite the shadow of impeachment cast over his presidency.
PIERS MORGAN: President Trump was impeached yesterday and amid all the rapturous cheering from liberal celebrities they all missed the point - that they will help him get re-elected.
Quarterly polling previously had the president struggling in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
The Russian president has turned heads with remarks on climate change, the eastern Ukrainian conflict and Trump's impeachment. In his end-of-year press conference, he said he thought a new arms race with the US "is bad."
U.S.—An echo was heard across the land this morning from sea to shining sea as progressives woke up after celebrating Impeachment Day and learned that Trump is still the president.High off their impeachment victory, liberals went to bed safe and secure in the knowledge that Trump was defeated, his evil vanquished from the land at last. But when they woke …