It is time to make drastic changes to CPS--for the sake of the children they're supposed to protect.
Commentary: Who the Hell Do They Think They Are?
This week I went to Westwood in LA where some of the usual suspects were calling for Trump's impeachment without knowing anything. Great action all day! Want...

Free Stuff 2020

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Presidential Candidates promise expensive new programs. We added up the cost. --------- Don't miss a single video from Stossel TV, sign up here: https://www....
We've been predicting this for over two years. It could happen as late as the convention if it looked like Warren or Bernie could get the nomination.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., is a "piece of sh-," according to former White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice on Tuesday.
Police in the United Kingdom on Wednesday arrested a 25-year-old Northern Ireland man on suspicion of murder after 39 bodies were found in the back of a semi-truck in Essex, which is east of London.
President Trump uses the word 'lynching' infuriates black Texas lawmakers& Liberals See Hodgetwins Perform Live: http://hodgetwinstour.com Follow Hodgetwins:...
The Eastern Lancaster County School District voted Monday to initiate an ambitious renovation plan to create non-gender specific facilities at its high school in place of traditional gender-specific locker rooms. 
Washington The insistence on the separation of church and state has taken a draconian leap. Not only is religion to be extirpated from all government activity, but even the public mention of religion is also to be frowned upon. Unless, of...

Lee Zeldin on Twitter

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

“Spent another entire day in Schiff’s super secret bunker in the Capitol basement for Amb Taylor’s depo. This transcript should be released ASAP along w ALL of the other transcripts. Much of his leaked opening statement collapsed, but Schiff keeps the public in the dark on that!
Although such myths will never be completely slain, their baneful impacts can be reduced by sound and unrelenting economic education and public commentary.
Wind and solar are inefficient, and their environmental benefits are oversold.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., claimed a fellow Republican lawmaker deconstructed a key part of the latest Trump impeachment inquiry witness' testimony in Tuesday's closed-door session.
Deaths from terrorist attacks given as a share of total deaths (from all causes) in any given year.
Former Vice President Joe Biden offered an apology for previously referring to the Clinton impeachment as a "partisan lynching" hours after he condemned President Trump for referring to his own impeachment with the same term. 
Even as top Democrats rushed to condemn President Trump's comparison of their impeachment inquiry to a "lynching," footage and news reports have emerged showing top Democrats referring matter-of-factly to Bill Clinton's impeachment proceedings as a "lynching" in 1998.
Thanks to a flurry of Ukraine activity, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her new Democratic majority have approved more subpoenas to investigate President Trump than they’ve written new laws.
Grocery shopping had never been one of my favorite activities, but it never used to be as cumbersome as it is now. I’d fill up the cart with food, wait in line at the check-out counter and kibitz with the cashier as the bagger loaded up – and double-bagged – my groceries. Now, the lines …
Since the jury ruling came out, social media have exploded.
Hillary recently injected herself, with her characteristic venom, into the 2020 presidential race — this time, at the expense of a Democrat. She called Tulsi Gabbard, Hawaii’s four-term member of the House of Representatives, and a veteran who served in...
This man is a idiot. #GavinNewsom #GavinMustGo #California
The Hong Kong government on Wednesday said it formally withdrew its controversial extradition bill that sparked months of violent protests but will reportedly be the fulfillment of only one demand out of five by protesters who continue to take to the streets. 
The Financial Samurai blog’s Sam Dogen, the man who caused a stir with his take on the money woes of six-figure earners, took a look at what Alexandria...