In another blatant attempt by the liberal media to drum up resentment against President Trump with more false reporting, the Monday editions of ABC’s World News Tonight and the CBS Evening News featured reports claiming the President was putting the life of the so-called “whistleblower” behind the Ukraine phone complaint, at risk.
Rush Limbaugh broke some shocking news today on former CIA Director and Trump-hater John Brennan. Brennan reportedly traveled to Ukraine with a fake passport to dig dirt on Trump. Brennan has been leading the charge against President Trump since he entered office. Just this past weekend Brennan called on all the Deep State hacks to …
There’s so much to say about Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment gig that one hardly knows where to start. But here’s a live possibility: We start with Sen. Lindsey Graham’s characterization of how this game is to be played. We’re trying to...
There’s a really bad song called “Wake Me Up When September Ends” by a really bad band named Green Day. When the faux-punk outfit released the comically emo, radio-friendly single in 2004, they had no way of knowing that it...
There has not in modern American history been such a preposterous excuse for a threat to the presidency as the Ukraine affair.  The “favor” the president sought from President Zelinsky of Ukraine w…
This is a denial of the American Constitution and a repudiation of the American people's choice of president.
My question relates to the issue of Joe Biden and his son Hunter's $50,000-a-month employment with a Ukraine gas company while his father was Vice-President
Praising Robert Jeffress’s impeachment warning may signal that Trump wants to shore up support from the Christian right.
We cannot argue with your bleats of ‘listen to the children’, because, well, they’re children. It’s not nice to say rude things about children
Senate Democrats representing red states are worried the House impeachment process may spin out of control and destroy any chance their party might have of winning back the majority next year.
Clashes reach their most intense point in four months of protests as the police use a live round against a protester for the first time, on a day Beijing celebrated 70 years of Communist Party rule.
Camille Paglia is a professor of humanities and media studies at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, where she has been a faculty member since 1984. Paglia describes herself

Nancy Pelosi's Price Of Impeachment

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

This isn't the scenario she wanted, but it might be beneficial to her no matter what.
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) made a valiant attempt to defend former Vice President (and competitor for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination) Joe Biden over the weekend, telling a reporter who asked her about Biden’s Ukrainian connections to “leave Joe Biden alone.” Former Trump administration United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley may not have been the first […]
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Migrants protesting at an overcrowded camp on the Greek island of Lesbos set fires and clashed with police Sunday, killing at least one person, authorities said. A...
Not a single reporter in Indianapolis appeared interested in finding out the suspect's immigration status.
New York City is taking a stance on the term “illegal alien.”
By proceeding by fiat instead of a full House vote, the speaker sets a terrible precedent.
Australia offered assistance in May for U.S. President Donald Trump’s investigat...
Warren and her media allies will, however, keep doing their utmost to convince us otherwise.
KAMINO—As a discussion started up about civil war in our country, the president himself fanning the flames with a retweet suggesting civil war if he's impeached, Trump revealed that he has been creating a clone army in secret for just such an occasion.Trump visited the ocean planet of Kamino and oversaw the progress of his clones, which have bee …
The Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram killed two Christian aid workers in Nigeria recently, releasing video of the executions last week. The group posted a video of the execution on its news website. The Christian workers were executed with gunshots from behind. In a letter to the United Nations secretary general, a Nigerian attorney said … More