A lengthy joke about cows, sex and women apparently turned out to be no laughing matter in North Carolina this week. It has prompted the resignation of the chairman of the state’s elections board.

Freedom of Assembly Under Fire

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Do law-abiding American citizens still have the right to gather peacefully to discuss their ideas without fear of government censorship and retribution?

We Are a Nation of Laws

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Maybe you've noticed from watching TV in the past couple of years: When it's about tax returns, executive orders or, of course, Russia, the left strikes a law-and-order pose. Nobody, they tell us, should be above the law in this country. Nobody. Not even — drumroll, please — the president of the United States.
President Donald Trump celebrated a judge dismissing the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) lawsuit accusing his campaign, Russia, and Wikileaks of interfering in the 2016 election.
Ten candidates seeking the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination took to the stage Tuesday night in an event that remained largely focused on policy.
It was a better production, and featured a surprise winner.
Candidates were in agreement in support of sweeping gun bans, "universal background check" laws, and other gun proposals during Tuesday's Democratic debate.
Miss Michigan was stripped of her crown on Friday after Miss World America was made aware of a number of controversial tweets which surfaced on social media following her victory.
Candace Owens may be seen as the face of black conservatism, but she is far from the only pro-Trump African-American speaking out in America — in large part, due to her efforts. A video making the rounds on social media is proving there is “a new day in America.” A black man who goes by …
Each were personally invited by the search giant for discussions primarily about climate change.
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Dr. Ben Carson on Wednesday will travel to Baltimore, Md to spread awareness about the city.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics released data today showing that the Trump economy reached more historic highs!  Job openings and new hires reached all time highs in 2018.  The best since the data was first recorded! The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released data today for 2018 that was astounding – According to data from …
Hollywood director Rob Reiner, whose myriad leftist bloviations have been sputtering forth for years, added one more on Monday, tweeting that anyone who supports President Trump is a racist. Reiner tweeted, “The President of the United States is a racist.
Just over an hour into CNN’s Democratic primary debate on Tuesday night, Southbend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg suggested that the solution to gun violence in America was to amend the Constitution of the United States – presumably by limiting, changing, or removing the Second Amendment. Yet CNN’s moderators did not so much as acknowledge this radical suggestion, let asking the Mayor to clarify his remarks.
To tout his personal credentials during Tuesday's CNN Democratic presidential debate, Sanders boasted after being prompted by co-moderator Jake Tapper to respond: “The American people want to have a minimum wage, which is a living wage, 15 bucks an hour. I've helped lead that effort.” In reality, the Sanders campaign recently experienced a public relations nightmare over the fact that he did not pay his own campaign staff $15 an hour.
If Tuesday night’s debate had taken place six months ago, the questions and answers would have been dominated by Russia, Russia, Russia. But with the accusations that President Trump was a traitor …
Iran continues to violate human rights but the United Nations, the media, the European Union and human rights activists in the West tur...
Montana Gov. Steve Bullock, Rep. Tim Ryan and ex-Rep. John Delaney spent the debate saying liberal policies would alienate swing voters.
many worry that this will set a dangerous precedent in terms of requiring qualifications that suit a present political climate.
It was a battle for the soul of the Democratic Party on stage in the Motor City.
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Portland’s most recognizable left-wing group has spoken out against a Senate resolution introduced earlier this month that would label anti-fascists “domestic terrorists,” saying the proposal is an attempt to “criminalize dissent.”
Democrat presidential candidates will face off tonight in the Democrat mecca of Detroit in their second televised debate. Ten candidates will battle tonight and ten tomorrow night. Before tonight’s debate DNC Chair Tom Perez spoke to the liberal audience. Perez said Democrats “want to secure the border.” Since when? Does anyone believe this? Democrats vow …
During Tuesday night's Democratic primary debate hosted by CNN, businessman and presidential candidate John Delaney called out fellow presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for his "Medicare