California has had many attempts to break the state into more manageable, smaller states. Why is the state legislature trying so hard to avoid it?
The report is heavily redacted but reaches significant conclusions, some of which pertain to the three-year-old conspiracy theory involving Russian officials and President Donald Trump.
And now, a video is flying around the internet that shows the native of Somalia in an interview actually saying that we should be afraid of white men.
They chanted “Send her back” with Ilhan Omar in mind, and because President Donald Trump didn’t stop the excited audience at his rally fast enough, he and every Trump supporter is a racist Nazi. The media told us so, and...
In the days, weeks, and months following Donald Trump's election and inauguration, Liberal America took its collective mind, threw it in a Vitamix, and poured it down the toilet. It has been lost and floating around in a sewer of rage ever since. Kathy Griffin claims to have been blacklisted.
House Democrats launch official impeachment investigation
What we need is restraint — not rage
Most Michigan voters reject eliminating private insurance in order to advance "Medicare for All," according to July survey.
Many people think the Donald Trump presidency is a historical
“It Is Not Enough to Condemn Trump’s Racism; The nation’s ideals
Of the seventeen members of the House who voted against the anti-Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions of Israel and stood with Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, sixteen were Democrats. Let that sink in, because some three-quarters of Jewish voters blindly...
Ilhan Omar suggested in a recently resurfaced interview that Americans should be “more fearful of white men” than radical Islamic terror. 
Dickinson College in Pennsylvania published an op-ed in its student newspaper claiming that the world needs to be saved from "the white man," arguing that white men have "become obsolete" and "have yet to demonstrate any collective competence in treating people as human beings."
Big tech had a responsibility. It was supposed to connect the world. That was the vision we were promised three decades ago, a vision that made sense at the time and should still make sense today. But big tech has changed. The 2016 election changed them. Their casual and ambiguous tinkering with the political landscape …
Democrats reacted with disappointment to Friday's  U.S. Supreme Court ruling allowing the Trump administration to divert $2.5 billion in Pentagon funds for border wall construction.
The Supreme Court on Friday ruled that the Trump administration can start using military funds to construct a wall on the southern border, handing the president a major legal victory. 
Rep. Rashida Tlaib told a Detroit audience this week that “the rich” don’t earn their wealth and need to have it funneled to others via her legislation.
Republican Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton tore into several Democrats Thursday night over their opposition to Bill Barr's decision to reinstate the federal death penalty.
Source: James Barrett A new report presents more evidence that Bill Clinton’s recent statement about his supposed limited connection to Jeffrey Epstein left out a significant amount of contac…
There is no shortage of prodigal people in the world. They chain themselves to expensive habits or addictions, pursue short-term pleasures and conveniences, are wasteful with other people’s money, and increase their spending when their incomes decline. Their sins are...
An American teenager has been released from immigration custody in Texas, after being detained for almost a month.
Over the weekend, Congressman Cummings, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, decided to weigh in on the recent fight between President Trump and the four women in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s self-named “Squad” of first term, far-left Members of Congress. You may remember Congressman Elijah Cummings as the member of Congress who claimed he was spit on when he walked through a peaceful gathering of Tea Party members a few years ago.  Videos of the event showed no such thing.  The Congressman could produce no evidence. Cummings called the four women of the Squad “young ladies” who are “some of the most brilliant young people that I have met.” Maybe Cummings needs to get out more. He apparently thinks a woman who calls the President a Mother-F*cker as Squad member Rashaida Tlaib did qualifies as a “lady.” But Cummings isn’t alone. Even Joe Biden recently claimed great respect for AOC and her crew. And in a vote by the House last week, Democrats voted unanimously to condemn at least one of President Trump’s tweets as racist. Ironic given that Democrats couldn’t agree on a simple resolution condemning one of the Squad’s blatantly anti-Semitic remarks just a few weeks ago. It used to be racism was easy to spot. It was an ugly act, thought, or attitude.  It depended on believing and behaving as though your group was better than another because of ethnic background or skin tone. That’s no longer the case with Democrats. It no longer matters what you do, or even what you think. It only matters whether you agree with them. If you don’t, you’re a racist. If you can’t see it, or don’t admit it, then that’s proof enough. So much for due process or even rational thought. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA,) another Squad member told one group last week that if you’re a person of color, but don’t agree with her, then you’re a racist … I think. Here’s what she said, “We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice.  We don’t need black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.” Huh?  I’m not sure I really understand what in the world she’s saying.  What I am certain of though is that if you question her comments, whatever your color, you’ll be shouted down as a racist. A few days earlier, Ocasio-Cortez claimed the U.S.’s treatment of migrants was comparable to Nazi, Germany’s treatment of Jews. Here’s what she said about immigrant detention facilities, “The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border. And that is exactly what they are.”  This despite the fact that people are free to return to their country of origin anytime they want, they’re given three meals a day, two snacks, bottled water, health care, diapers, and all the care they need. AOC’s sentiments aren’t just harmless hyperbole.  Last weekend, an Antifa nut tried to blow up an immigration office in Washington State.  In his manifesto, he parrots Ocaso-Cortez’s concentration camp nonsense as justification for his action. Where’s the outrage from Democrats over AOC’s stimulating violence? It’s nowhere.  Because Democrats have decided that anything the Squad says is permitted and any criticism is “racism.” It’s absurd and I have to believe that Americans who know they are not racists won’t fall for it. In fact, consider for a moment some of the policy positions Democrat leaders insist you believe.  If you don’t, they’re evidence you’re a secret racist. The Green New Deal.  Those who wrote it claim the only serious approach to solving environmental problems, real or perceived, requires we overturn free-markets and adopt a thoroughly socialist economic system.  And while I’m not sure what massive redistribution of wealth has to do with climate change, to the Squad there is no other choice.  You either support this lunacy or you support climate destruction. What they still can’t explain is where the trillions will come from to pay for this plan … they can’t, no matter how much they tax us the money isn’t there. Government Health Care. The Squad and their allies insist you either agree with their Medicare-for-all plan or you hate poor people.  There can be no other objection.  It simply doesn’t matter to them that quality will decline, providers will experience hardship, innovation will fall off, and access will suffer. Could it be that those things don’t matter to them because of what Joe Stalin taught us, and Venezuela reminds us: he who controls health outcomes is better able to control behaviors.  And the behavior they seem to care about most is enhancing their own power. Student Loans. They urge that taxpayers pick up the outstanding balance on all student loans.If you worked hard, and made the payments you were supposed to, too bad.  This program is only for those who refused to fulfill their commitments. Sounds to me like more Stalin: he who controls the money, controls who goes to college, what they learn, and whether they end up digging ditches or becoming attorneys. Guaranteed Income. The Squad believes everyone should receive a monthly check from the government.  I don’t know if they realize that once the economy adjusts to all that “free” money it won’t be worth anything and people will be right back where they started. Except, now they’ll need that money just to stay even.  Or maybe that’s the point.  It certainly will make people dependent and give the Squad leverage to force people to do what you want. Open Borders. The Squad wants open borders and an end to border enforcement agencies. Not only do they want to let in anyone who wants in; they want to give them free healthcare, free education, housing, food stamps, social security benefits, and that guaranteed government check each month.   The only way I can see how this makes sense is if they believe today’s immigrants will be tomorrow’s voters thereby assuring the Squad and their friends maintain perpetual power. Gun Confiscation. The Squad all support gun confiscation and the dissolution of the National Rifle Association. …
Mark Taylor has some juicy promises for his army of gullible followers.