“We Build the Wall,” the private group that began erecting a border wall along a section of the southern U.S. border in New Mexico over Memorial Day weekend, has run into a slight problem: Bureaucracy. Launched by triple-amputee Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage and backed by former Trump administration adviser Steve Bannon and former Kansas …
Republican Senator Ted Cruz blasted Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar over a racist tweet suggesting that Latinos would never make up the cut under a merit-based immigration system. Somali refugee Omar: Latinos can’t measure up Omar tweeted: “A ‘merit-based’ immigration policy is fueled by racism towards the Latinx community. Our immigration policies shouldn’t be based on …
In response to Georgia’s new law prohibiting aborting babies with a detectable heartbeat, Netflix said that the company may "rethink" filming in Georgia if the law goes into effect.
Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris unveiled a new plan to protect abortion access on Tuesday, joining fellow White House hopefuls pushing back against Republican-backed state laws that restrict a woman's right to end a pregnancy.
A Texas voter isn't holding back his thoughts on 2020 Democratic hopeful Joe Biden.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Facebook is cracking down on Conservative content. Many of you have complained that you never see our content in your news feeds. There’s only one way to fight back — and that’s by subscribing to my FREE weekly newsletter. Click here.  For years Chick-fil-A has been bullied by leftist lawmakers and a militant …
Trump Warns: 'Roy Moore Cannot Win' Alabama Senate Race... Consequences of Loss 'Will Be 'Devastating'
The New York Times blames Jews for engendering hatred while downplaying inconvenient facts about anti-Semitism in Europe.
In an era of historical ignorance and indifference, is it any wonder that Civil War battlefields are drawing fewer tourists?
The evidence makes it quite clear. The more PC we become, the more selfish we become. Here's the Simple Truth. Please LIKE & SHARE! Support This Channel Here...
According to Feinstein’s staff the dinner was arranged by the State Department, but the State Department denies they asked Feinstein to meet with Zarif.
Anti-Trump broadcaster in trouble.
His state returns will give the House a glimpse of past I.R.S. audits, before and after he entered the Oval Office.

Diversity Over Quality

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Mayor de Blasio is fighting to reduce Asian representation in New York City’s elite schools.
Acting like transgender people are being murdered for being trans, instead of due to random violence, just stokes fear and reeks of political motives.
On February 1, 2017, Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to give a talk about free speech at the University of California, Berkeley. But he was prevented from speaking by a group of 150 or so masked, black-clad members of a then-obscure movement calling itself “Antifa.” The protestors caused $100,000 worth of damage to the campus and injured six people as they threw rocks and Molotov cocktails. Nine months later, again at Berkeley, an “anti-Marxist” rally descended into violence as approximately 100 masked Antifa members harassed journalists and beat rally organizers and attendees. Berkeley was where Antifa rose to national attention, but it hasn’t been the only place where the group has engaged in sustained acts of violence. At a Washington, D.C. Unite the Right rally in August 2018, Antifa members hurled objects at police and assaulted journalists. In Portland, Oregon, violent street clashes involving Antifa have become regular events. Notwithstanding claims that Antifa is a peaceful, “anti-fascist community-defense group,” it has adopted tactics that often are more violent than those of the right-wing movements that the …
.05/29/2019 10:58:48AM EST.
Charlie Kirk explained a Democrat push to circumvent the electoral college and determine presidential elections via the popular vote.
Retired Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army Allen West (Screenshot)
The half-mile private border wall that sprung up over Memorial Day weekend was hit with a cease and desist order Tuesday by Sunland Park, New Mexico.
News Analysis WASHINGTON—Sixty-two former government officials submitted a brief to a California district court on May 13 in ...
Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Clarence Thomas has two very different opinions when it came to Tuesday’s ruling on upholding an Indiana law supported by abortion opponents that regulates the disposal of fetal remains.
Harrison Floyd, a black Republican running for Congress in Georgia has some Democrats very, very concerned that he has murderous designs on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Senator Bernie S…
These freshmen dems claim they do not support the impeachment of President Trump on one hand or refuse to say where they stand on the issue.