Investigate Clinton Foundation Tax-Exempt Status

1,848 Signatures
Target Name Target Organization
John Koskinen (IRS Commissioner )

We need your help to call on the IRS to do their job, investigate the tax-exempt status of the Clinton Foundation.

The IRS is harsh on conservative groups that want to protect the definition of marriage, the integrity of the natural family, and our Bill of Rights; but to no surprise, when there are allegations of corruption among liberal “charities,” notably of the Clinton Foundation -- the IRS won’t comment.

While Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, the Clinton Foundation admittedly failed to report millions of dollars received from foreign governments and foreign business with State Department dealings to the IRS.

Moreover, the integrity of Clinton Foundation dealings is certainly in question and the list of improprieties is long.

On such example, in November 2011, the Swedish telecom company Ericsson overpaid $750,000 for Bill Clinton to give a speech at an industry conference in Hong Kong; during the time of the event, Ericsson was worried that Hillary Clinton’s State Department might crack down on their telecom deal with an Iranian regime under sanctions. The State Department didn’t.

Is the Clinton Foundation operating within the scope of their charitable mission or are they brokering private business transactions between foreign entities?

When conservative or faith-based charities submit the proper paperwork for tax exempt status, they received additional levels of scrutiny and many years of harassment from the IRS, which includes making public a list of charitable donors to certain conservative causes. When a former President and his then Secretary of State wife allegedly broker deals between foreign companies and terror states -- they have no comment.

Representative Marsha Blackburn is currently circulating an open letter, among her colleagues in the House, asking the IRS to investigate the tax exempt status of the Clinton Foundation.

Your voice is needed to help us put pressure on IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. Sign our petition to IRS asking they investigate these improprieties and the tax exempt status of the Clinton Foundation.

For more information:

Breitbart: Rep. Marsha Blackburn circulating letter calling on IRS to investigate Clinton Foundation

Washington Post: Clintons’ Foundations raises nearly 2 million – and some key questions

Fox News: State Department Ok’d Bill Clinton speech requests within days

NOM Blog: IRS admits to wrong doing in release of National Organization of Marriage’s confidential tax return and list of donors.

The Petition

Clinton Foundation tax-exempt status

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen:

As concerned citizens, we are calling the IRS to fully investigate the business dealings as it relates to the tax-exempt status of the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton Foundation admitted to habitual wrongdoing in its handling of IRS paperwork and other requested fillings, which includes their public admission of not reporting cash received from foreign entities during the time period of Hillary Clinton’s appointment as Secretary of States.

Under the Obama administration, the IRS has been found liable for its wrongful treatment of conservative or faith-based charities. By ignoring this request, countless potentially corrupt business dealing with foreign companies and foreign governments, which extend outside of the charitable mission of the Clinton Foundation, will remain unattended to. Regardless of the title or level of influence obtained by the principles of the Clinton Foundation, it remains the obligation of the IRS to investigate these improprieties and wrongdoings.

We are requesting, by the form of a petition, the IRS formally launch a detailed investigation into the tax-exempt status of the Clinton Foundation, and furthermore the details of the investigation be made transparent to the public. Not doing so will cause great strain on the integrity of the IRS and your term as Commissioner.  

Sign this Petition
