Thank Governor Jindal for Standing for Marriage and Religious Freedom!
Target Name | Target Organization |
Bobby Jindal | (Governor, Louisiana) |
When the legislature in Louisiana failed to pass a bill protecting religious freedoms of people who believe in marriage, Governor Bobby Jindal stepped up and issued an executive order to ensure the precious first freedoms of the people were respected.
He said, “The state should not be able to take adverse action against people, charities and family-owned businesses with deeply held religious beliefs that marriage is between one man and one woman… We do not support discrimination in Louisiana and we do support religious liberty.”
Governor Jindal is a champion defending our most sacred first freedoms – freedom of religion and freedom of speech, along with the freedom to believe and act in concert with the truth of marriage. Please take a moment to sign this petition thanking the Governor for his actions.
You can also sign the Governor’s petition on religious liberty by clicking here.
The Petition
Thank You For Standing Up In Defense of Marriage and Religious Freedom!
Dear Governor Jindal,
Thank you so much for taking a bold stand in defense of our precious first freedoms for people who support marriage as the union of one man and one woman – freedom of religion and freedom of speech – when the legislature of your state failed to act.
You are a champion in defense of marriage and religious liberty and I wanted to take a moment to express my profound gratitude for your leadership.
I wholeheartedly support you for issuing your executive order in defense of those, who – like me – believe in marriage and are legitimately concerned about the increasingly aggressive and ongoing attacks against people of faith all around the country.