Tell These Key Democratic Senators to Support Brett Kavanaugh for US Supreme Court

3,079 Signatures
Target Name Target Organization
Senator Joe Manchin (West Virginia Senator)
Senator Heidi Heitkamp (North Dakota Senator)
Senator Joe Donnelly (Indiana Senator)
Senator Doug Jones (Alabama Senator)
Senator Claire McCaskill (Missouri Senator)
Senator Jon Tester (Montana Senator)
Mr. Pat Hayes (Chief of Staff to Senator Manchin)
Ms. Tessa Gould (Chief of Staff to Senator Heitkamp)
Mr. Joel Elliott (Chief of Staff to Senator Donnelly)
Mr. Dana Gresham (Chief of Staff to Senator Jones)
Ms. Julie Dwyer (Chief of Staff to Senator McCaskill)
Mr. Aaron Murphy (Chief of Staff to Senator Tester)

Tell These Key Democratic Senators to Support Brett Kavanaugh for US Supreme Court

Our work to ensure the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court is picking up steam and thus far the signs are encouraging. With Sen. Rand Paul announcing his support for Kavanaugh today, many media reports suggest that all the Republicans are likely to support Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation.

As important to the successful confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh are developments indicating that Chuck Schumer's outrageous campaign of pure obstruction is failing. Sen. Joe Manchin, one of a group of Democrat Senators who are seeking election in red states carried by President Trump, defied Schumer and met today with Kavanaugh to discuss his judicial record and philosophy.  It is being reported other Democrats are similarly wavering and also want to meet with Kavanaugh.

It's imperative that these key Democratic Senators – including Manchin (WV), Heidi Heitkamp (ND), Joe Donnelly (IN), Doug Jones (AL), Claire McCaskill (MO), and Jon Tester (MT) – hear from us that we expect them to support the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, a superbly qualified nominee to the US Supreme Court.

Please sign our petition to these key Democratic Senators letting them know that you expect them to side with the voters of their states to support President Trump's nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. 

The Petition

Support Brett Kavanaugh's Confirmation as Supreme Court Justice

I write today to urge you to side with your voting constituents and their values in supporting the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh as the next associate Justice on the United States Supreme Court.

Judge Kavanaugh is a highly competent jurist with an impeccable record of upheld decisions and well-reasoned opinions. Furthermore, the issue of Supreme Court Justice appointments was a clear priority of voters in the last election which led voters in your state to vote for President Trump, who promised to nominate individuals like Judge Kavanaugh given the opportunity.

I urge you to respect the wishes of your state's voters and put your support behind this worthy nominee, and reject the attempts of Senator Schumer and other Democratic officials to obstruct the confirmation.

Sign this Petition
