The IRS Investigation Isn't...
President Obama says the IRS targeting scandal is “phony.”The IRS used its authority to illegally target conservative groups. Crimes...
Read MoreOn the very first day of the 113th Congress, legislation for a complete audit of the Federal Reserve System was introduced.This legislation will bring transparency to the central bank's covert operations. After passing the House of Representatives in 2012 with bipartisan support, the original Audit the Fed bill was dead-on-arrival in the Senate thanks to Harry Reid and the rest of the establishment. They chose to stand with secret bailouts for the world’s most profitable companies, foreign banks, and even foreign governments instead of the people.
President Obama says the IRS targeting scandal is “phony.”The IRS used its authority to illegally target conservative groups. Crimes...
Read MoreOfficially titled “A Platform to Revitalize America”, this bold and exciting Tea Party-inspired budget plan accomplishes the...
Read MoreIntroduced by Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), the bill would repeal federal legal tender laws and tax laws that penalize the use of gold and silver coins as...
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