Help Rand Paul Stop the EPA

by ActRight Community in FreedomWorks Inc

The EPA’s Air Transport Rule, the Cross State Air Pollution Rule, is one of the most expensive regulations in the entire EPA Train Wreck. 

Using the Congressional Review Act, Sen. Paul has introduced S.J. Res. 27, a resolution of disapproval that would allow Congress to overturn the costly Air Transport Rule.

Thanks to his resolution, elected officials have an opportunity to rein in unelected regulators intent on imposing billions of dollars’ worth of new costs on the economy, threatening the economic recovery and destroying jobs.

Please ask these Senators to sign Rand Paul's discharge petition to force S.J. Res. 27 out of committee and onto the Senate floor.


Fight Back Against the TSA

Senator Rand Paul has launched a campaign to end the TSA's tyranny over America's airports.Since 2001, this wasteful and ineffective bureaucracy...

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Stop the Snoops

You know the National Security Agency is spying and collecting data on every American citizen. At any time, government snoops can access your...

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