Make Intrusive Census Bureau Survey Voluntary

by ActRight Community in FreedomWorks Inc

The U.S. Census Bureau currently randomly selects 3 million Americans to fill out the ACS. If people refuse to complete the intrusive survey, they can be subjected to a fine up to $5,000. The bill would make the ACS optional by removing all fines for not completing the survey. 

The decennial census is mandated by Article 1 of the Constitution in order to keep seating in Congress proportional to state populations. But the ACS is an additional government survey that is not mandated in the Constitution. It is taken every year and cost hundreds of millions of dollars to administer.

--The survey contains extremely personal questions such as: how many people do you live with? What is your relationship with them? What race are they? Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs? Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing? Many Americans are understandably uncomfortable answering these private questions. 

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