Stop the Abortion Secrecy C...
Regulations issued for the ACA require that plans offering coverage of elective abortions assess a minimum $1 surcharge per month to go in a...
Read Moreby ActRight Community in Susan B. Anthony List
Rep. Diane Black (R-TN) introduced H.R. 940, the Health Care Conscience Rights Act (HCCRA) to defend religious liberty and the protect conscience rights of all Americans. HCCRA, introduced with Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) and Rep. John Fleming (R-LA), would provide a complete exemption from the Obama administration's HHS mandate and conscience protections for health care entities who refuse to perform, pay for, or participate in an abortion. The bipartisan bill has over 50 co-sponsors. Take Action: Thank Rep. Diane Black for introducing this critical legislation defending First Amendment rights for all Americans. | |||
Regulations issued for the ACA require that plans offering coverage of elective abortions assess a minimum $1 surcharge per month to go in a...
Read MoreSenator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is courageously defending unborn children and women in his actions and in his words. Senator Rubio spoke out in defense...
Read MoreObama and Sebelius put Planned Parenthood before mothers in need. In Indiana, New Hampshire, and now Texas, the President has shown that his...
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