MSNBC Thinks Your Child Belongs to the State

by ActRight Community in Freedomworks Foundation

According to the brilliant minds at MSNBC, your children are nothing more than property of the government. In a commercial for her television show, anchor Melissa Harris-Perry declared that “we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.”

This dangerous rhetoric is a key component of the Progressive agenda. Instead of standing up for individual liberty, the Radical Left believes that all citizens are inherently “owned by society.” Using this collectivist logic, they push for bigger government, higher taxes, and more unsustainable entitlement programs.

Simply put, the collectivist ideology is a means to deny average Americans the most basic freedoms. It’s time for grassroots activists to deliver a powerful reality check.

Sign this petition, and assert that your children are free – not property of the state.

