You Knew ObamaCare Would Raise Costs

by ActRight Community in Freedomworks Foundation

President Obama and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius spent years telling America their new health care entitlement would cut costs. It turns out they were dead wrong. Now Sebelius admits ObamaCare is raising the cost of health insurance.

She says government subsidies will cover this price increase. But what about those Americans who don’t qualify for subsidies? According to Sebelius, they are plain out of luck.

To millions of Americans, the Affordable Care Act will be anything but affordable. We knew this was coming, but ObamaCare’s cheerleader in chief Kathleen Sebelius ignored the facts to gain support for the law.

Tell Secretary Sebelius to admit she misled the American people.


No Detroit Bailout

etroit just declared bankruptcy. It’s the largest American city to declare bankruptcy… ever.Why? Thanks to disastrous liberal...

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