US Embassy workers in Iraq have been ordered to leave. This is following a two large attacks in one week. President Trump has issued strong warnings against further attacks.
Republican Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed into law the Alabama Human Life Protection Act on Wednesday which effectively bans nearly all abortion in the state.
Democratic paeans to checks and balances conceal plans for a historic power grab.
Debate safety and civil liberties before it becomes ubiquitous.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), the double-Harvard graduate who is a U.S. Army combat veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan, has always been blisteringly hawkish on the issue of Iran.
Before she signed the strongest anti-abortion bill in the nation on Tuesday, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey faced down a hostile question from a CBS reporter and immediately flattened her.
Attorney General William Barr reportedly met with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi face-to-face Wednesday during an event at the Capitol; asking the top Democrat if she “brought her handcuffs” after accusing the senior Trump official of breaking the law just days ago. “Colleague Jake Gibson rpts AG Barr spoke to Pelosi in person today, after the …
More than two dozen states have passed laws opposing a movement to boycott, divest and sanction Israel over its treatment of Palestinians, but federal courts are split on whether the laws violate the First Amendment.

Joe Biden for President 2020

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Uncle Joe is back and ready to take a hands-on approach to America's problems! Joe Biden has a good feel for the American people...
For the last few weeks I have been trying with increasing desperation to get a leftist — any leftist — to answer one simple question: what is a woman?
On Wednesday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was called out for propagating a bald-faced lie about the newly-passed Alabama abortion ban. And instead of correcting her lie, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez made a pathetic excuse to cover up her deceit. It was, in a word, embarrassing.
Since 2016, certain media personalities with political leanings anywhere right of center have often found themselves facing a social media firing line. In some cases, those personalities have been demonetized or even banned altogether even as far-left (and often radical) websites/personalities are allowed to continue to exist without fear of reprisal.  The Trump White House …
FOX News investigative journalist Catherine Herridge dropped a bomb on the deep state on Wednesday. According to Herridge, there is an email from fired FBI Director James Comey from December 2016 that indicates it was John Brennan who pushed the dossier to be included in the IC report. A source inside the CIA blames Comey …

Tech Bias Story Sharing Tool

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Social media should advance freedom of speech in America, not suppress it.
A new South Carolina poll shows South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D) with zero percent support among likely primary voters who are African American, a crucial Democratic voting bloc in the early primary state.
Though Republicans in the Oregon State Senate hold a super-minority status in the deep blue state, they recently managed to strong-arm the Oregon Democrats into giving up on a gun control bill that the majority party appeared to have the votes to pass.
So the great state of Alabama has officially passed the strongest pro-life bill in the country.
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders was on Tuesday slammed by Rep. Dan Crenshaw for inducing voters with impossible federal spending levels.
Pop star — and now movie star — Selena Gomez told a panel at the Cannes Film Festival that she believes social media has been a "terrible" development for her generation, and that social networks are contributing to a decline in mental health among young people.
Alabama’s new Human Life Protection Act is less than three-and-a-half pages long.
A reporter with the Associated Press dismantled Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D-MA) false claim on Wednesday that "Republican men" are the ones responsible for leading the charge against abortion.

A Millennial's Take On Gen Z Humor

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

As shocked and offended as we are, I'm not so sure it's a bad thing.
Virtually all Democrat-run committees and subcommittees have abandoned the oath "So help me God...
Republican Gov. Kay Ivey signed the controversial Alabama abortion bill into law on Wednesday. 