
Want Evidence of Hysterical Anti-Christian Bigotry? Look No Further than #BoycottIndiana -


If a student throws her arms around her boyfriend and kisses him without his permission, she has violated affirmative consent policies.


Presient Obama isn't the only person who has selective memory when it comes to voting for and passing a Religious Freedom Restoration Act. This morning, the governor of Connecticut, Dan Malloy, announced that he would be the first governor in the union to sign an executive order limiting state-sponsored travel to Indiana because of Indiana's ostensibly "discriminatory practices." He was so proud of this that he sent not one but two tweets patting himself on the back for his progressive stance on the subject, how he will not allow states to "turn back the clock" on all the progress we've made in the last two decades, and how he is standing up for truth, justice and the American way.But Governor Dan Malloy has a teeny-tiny problem. Turns out, Connecticut has a RFRA, enacted in 1993, shortly after the Federal government passed theirs. And it's almost identical to the law that Indiana recently passed. It reads, in part:


Pence Defends 'Religious Freedom' Law: 'We're Not Going to Change the Law'


Scarborough: Obama Desperate for Deal; Will Give Iran Everything They Want


In an era of rampant anti-Washington sentiment among voters, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) wears his reputation as a conservative iconoclast and one of the least popular members of the Senate as a badge of honor. ...


Three prominent liberal activists — including the president of a large union — are calling for Elizabeth Warren to challenge Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, insisting that the Massachusetts senator’s participation in a competitive primary process would benefit the party.


DANA BASH, CNN: I want to read to you a description, a Harvard law graduate, 40 something years old, two young daughters, in the senate for only two years who thinks he can be president. I could be describing you; I could be describing Barack Obama.
SEN. TED CRUZ: True enough, but I think there are a lot more notable differences between us than the similarities.
DANA BASH: That is true, but, you know, one of the key things that we're already hearing is you don't have a lot of experience when it comes to being in federal office or being in office at all and this you're, you know, too young and too inexperienced for the job.
TED CRUZ: Dana, I think there are two sharp distinctions between where I am today and where Barack Obama was when he launched his campaign. Number one, in his time in the senate he had basically been a back bencher. He had not been leading on any issues. In my time in the Senate you can accuse me of being a lot of things but a back bencher is not one of them.
DANA BASH: That may be true, but the big criticism of President Obama especially as the years have gone on is he didn't have any experience in an executive function, he didn't run any organization and the same can be said about you. What experience do you have to be commander in chief of the United States military, for example?
TED CRUZ: Well, unlike Barack Obama, I was not a community organizer before I was elected to the senate. I spent 5 1/2 years as the solicitor general of Texas, the chief lawyer for Texas in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. I supervised and led every year before the state of Texas in a 4,000 agency with over 700 lawyers.
Over the course of 5 1/2 years over and over again Texas led the nation defending conservative principles and winning.


Big news today about the NSA's telephone metadata bulk collection program.
According to this AP article, even before Edward Snowden leaked information
about the spying program there was much discussion about the costs of bulk
collection of telephone data.


Not even a lifeline could have helped her . . . There was a telling moment on today's Morning Joe when Joe Scarborough challenged April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks to cite some of President Obama's foreign-policy successes. Ryan was reduced to replying "that's kind of tough. Hmm, that's a tough one . . . I have to really ponder that."


House Majority Whip Steve Scalise has a solution for the GOP’s presidential election woes — double-down on conservatism. The Louisiana Republican is hoping the party avoids nominating a moderate in 2016, noting that candidates from the GOP’s center have failed to win the White House during the last two elections. Scalise thinks this...


An abscess of anger seems to gnaw at Hillary Clinton, but the reasons for her resentments remain unclear. The worldâs oldest party, which governed the nation during two world wars and is the primar...


Another Clinton presidency means new opportunities for scandal.


You've got questions: How do RFRAs work? Why is everyone so mad about Indiana's? Do religious freedom protections hurt gays? We've got answers.


Last week, FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silver explained why the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, a plan to circumvent the Electoral College in favor of the national popular vote, isn't likely t...


By David Alexander ABINGTON, Pa. (Reuters) - The U.S. military faces a challenge recruiting people with the high-tech skills it needs for the future as those who joined after the Sep. 11, 2001 attacks leave the service and the U.S. economy creates more jobs, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Monday.


Liberals against Religious Liberty in Indiana -


Universities, rather than being forums for free expression, are encouraging “safe spaces” to protect delicate sensibilities.


Online hatred is a scourge that threatens to tear apart the very fabric of our beautiful and harmonious multicultural society.


With a negotiating deadline on Tuesday, Iranian officials have backed away from a critical element of a proposed nuclear agreement, saying they are no longer willing to ship their atomic fuel out of the country.


Here's a viral video that deserves a round of applause.


An economist with the U.S. Department of Labor who has a history of speaking to the press on behalf of the Obama administration took to Twitter to vent about Indianaâs new religious freedom law enacted late last week. Elizabeth Ashack…


"White men should never hold elected positions in British universities again," proclaims a bold headline in yesterday's edition of Britain's the Independent


The Obama administration is negotiating on behalf of Iran. Did we expect anything else?