
A federal court on Tuesday released the search warrant documents filed by the FBI to access a laptop used by disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner and his estranged wife, Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, revealing new details about why the bureau revisited the email case just days before the presidential election.


Iranian leaders weren’t required to sign the nuclear deal President Obama negotiated with them, and the deal is not “legally binding,” according to a State Department letter.


President Obama has some advice for President-elect Donald Trump: Do as I say, not as I do.


In the recent presidential election, Donald Trump received the support of 45 percent of voters who have college diplomas, 37 percent of voters who have graduate degrees, and just 35 percent of coll…


U.S. President-elect Donald Trump plans to put his pick for Commerce Secretary, billionaire investor Wilbur Ross, in charge of his get-tough trade policy, a transition team spokesman said on Tuesday.


GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel is facing a backlash after 12 people were killed when an attacker ploughed through innocent revellers at a Christmas market in a truck. The country?s far-right…


According to the normal rules of politics, Trump is a mess who gets nothing right. And yet he keeps succeeding.


The Pacific Research Institute’s Clark S. Judge writes that the risk that regulators pose to business is up 79% from 2010—a burden that falls heavy on industry.


In two separate tweets, Newsweek's Kurt Eichenwald gave two seemingly contradictory explanations of when he contacted police over a tweet from an alt-right


Democrats were hoping yesterday’s Electoral Vote would end with electors rejecting Republican Donald Trump in droves. It didn’t work out ...


President-elect holds meetings at Mar-a-Lago estate Tuesday.


In a particularly unfortunate error, a Washington Post column criticized president elect Donald Trump's pick for director of the Office of Management and Budget


The president-elect continues to grapple with disentangling himself from his business.


Donald Trump might have been a conservative hiding in plain sight this whole time.


Progressive immaturity isn't confined to college campuses. The entire Progressive Left has become stuck in a pervasive, permanent childish state.


President Barack Obama tackles the polarizing issue of political correctness in a new interview, addressing how he and Donald Trump differ in their perspective. In an interview with NPR's "Morning Edition," conducted last Thursday but airing in its entirety on Monday, Obama addressed whether he agrees with his successor that political correctness has gone too far. Obama told host Steve Inskeep, "If you're narrowly defining political correctness as a hypersensitivity that ends up resulting in people not being able to express their opinions at all, without somebody suggesting they're a victim.


The Republican Party triumphed — but what kind of political force has it become?


SUBSCRIBE NOW - MANY MEMES TO COME Parody of John Lewis advert buster replaced with Hillary and Obama. Credit to Joe.co.uk ur meme got fucking #stolen babes ...


The American Action Network and the Congressional Leadership Fund have hired the campaign manager of Sen. Rob Portman's impressive 2016 victory.


Teary-eyed Bill Clinton After Electoral College Vote for Wife: 'I Never Cast a Vote I Was Prouder Of' - Leah Barkoukis: Hillary Clinton may have lost the presidential election but her .12/20/2016 10:58:30AM EST.


The Republican Party triumphed — but what kind of political force has it become?


Actress and producer Lena Dunham is setting yet another precedent for abortion-obsessed Hollywood: wishing for the opportunity to have had an abortion.


The 'fake news' hysteria is an attempt to intimidate Facebook into setting up the 'legacy media' as gatekeepers and toll collectors for the digital media.


UK: Over 1,000 Muslims screaming
