
The January 2017 cover featuring a transgender girl is already causing a firestorm.


What ever happened to respecting the will of the people?


Michelle Obama has some explaining to do. She may be leaving the White House, but that won't make the fact that she bilked American taxpayers for millions of dollars go away. Newly uncovered classified documents show exactly how Queen Michelle funneled money to her daughters and mother, and you'll be pissed off to learn how she intends to get off scot-free.


The Democrats have a simple explanation for Hillary Clinton’s loss — the Russians did it. The party that has had a decades-long soft spot toward Moscow and has been reluctant to believe the Kremlin…


Some fans then floated a “Boycott Bocelli” movement on social media in reaction to him possibly singing at the event.


The driver of the big rig that barreled into a crowded Christmas market in Berlin on Monday ? killing at least 12 people and injuring scores more ? is a Pakistani refugee who arrived in…


In August 2012, Lily Allen tweeted a comment that led to a flurry of responses calling her racist. Here's what she wrote: "I hate it when black cab drivers spend the entire journey on the phone. I WANTED A CHAT !" Later, she added, "When I said 'black cab drivers' I was referring to the colour of the cabs rather than the drivers themselves,OBVIOUSLY. *rolls eyes*" See, a "black cab" is a thing people in Britain and Europe call their taxis. Point is, the Internet is quick to call famous people and other trending topics racist, sometimes on remarkably shaky ground.Allen has now come under fire for alleged racism again in her brand-new "Hard Out Here" video, and she again took to Twitter to address the criticisms — which, while less blatantly false than last time, are still tenuous at best. In an extended tweet titled "Privilege, Superiority, and Misconceptions," Allen said she requested no specific ethnicities for the clip."The video is meant to be a lighthearted satirical video that


On Wednesday, December 14th Donald Trump's spokesman Sean Spicer said corruption is legal and


One of the most fought over territories on earth, Iraqi Kurdistan had suffered at the hands of Saddam Hussein’s chemical weapons long before the appearance of the murderous Isis. Its cities are now dotted with half-completed hotels and apartments – economic prosperity is a fantasy. The perceived incompetence and greed of Kurdish leaders tarnishes their success against Isis. And bitter experience makes the Kurds suspicious that they will be used as cannon fodder and then discarded.


“Hey, white guys: we came up for some New Year's Resolutions for you. https://t.co/C9EeIY6wig”


Never has there been a more humbling year for a reporter: Predictions were shattered, polls discredited, facts eschewed and rationality dismissed.


With about one month to go before he leaves office, President Barack Obama gave some advice to Donald Trump: Don't rely too heavily on executive orders.


Police in Berlin say terrorism was probably behind Monday night's lorry attack that killed 12.


Late Monday afternoon, MTV News underlined its reputation of being a haven for far-left millennials as it released a video on Twitter, dubbed “2017 Resolutions for White Guys,” that offered advice such as stop “mansplaining” and stop saying All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter.


Footage has emerged of the visit of Joachim Gauck to the school in Offenbach where a Muslim girl wearing a hijab refused to shake his hand as a lineup of students welcomed him to the school.


On Monday, Donald Trump easily earned enough electoral votes to secure the presidency, but according to many on the Left who refuse to grasp the significance of the Electoral College, his presidency is illegitimate because he lost the popular vote.


De-Nile is not just a river in Africa. Clinton supporters are blaming Hillary’s epic loss on racism and Russia. Of ...


The 2016 Electoral College results are in. On a chaotic news day with terrorist attacks in Berlin and Turkey, Donald Trump was officially elected by the


President Barack Obama pardoned 78 people and shortened the sentences of 153 others convicted of federal crimes on Monday – the most number of individual clemencies in a single day by any president. As he approaches the end of his second term, Obama has granted more commutations than the previous 11 presidents combined, according to the White House.


Employees at the Bay Pines VA medical center dropped off a veteran's dead body in a shower and let it sit there for nine hours, before trying to cover up that they had done anything wrong. Accordin


MSNBC's Contessa Brewer Wishes The Times Square Bomber Were a White Guy"


Michelle Obama told Oprah Winfrey in an interview airing Monday night that the past election was "painful" to watch and she didn't learn Donald Trump had won until the next morning, when she looked at the result on her phone.


MSNBC host Chris Hayes reported on the comments made by Turkish assassin Mert Altintas in the aftermath of his murder of the Russian ambassador Tuesday, but


On this LIVE Sunday, Dec. 18 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into the ongoing cyberattacks on Infowars.com as the establishment attempts to shut down...