
Republican lawmakers introduced measures to end the governor’s control over election boards and to require State Senate approval of his cabinet members.


Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Over at the Washington Post, Chris Mooney and the usual suspects are seriously alarmed by a memo sent out by the Transition Team at the Department of Energy. They de…


The Electoral College’s 538 members gather Monday at 50 state capitols to cast the ballots that matter the most when it comes to electing a U.S. president.


“Trump team: Twitter not invited to meeting because "conference table was only so big" https://t.co/7PRK3Yp9Xp”


Electors around the country are being harassed with a barrage of emails, phone calls and letters — and even death threats — in an effort to block Donald Trump from being voted in as president by th…


There is a story freshly put out by BuzzFeed titled “No One In Congress Wants To Regulate Fake News,” and if you know anything about journalism, then you know this story can only come about if someone is actually calling for Congress to do so. The very people who have been preaching about the Fake News Menace are the ones who are outraged that Hillary | Read More »


Hollywood elites released a video on Wednesday calling on all GOP electors to ignore the will of the people and ...


Foreign jihadists fleeing from Isil's shrinking caliphate are “hiding in plain sight” in migrant flows, the head of the Armed Forces has warned.


The British government rejected a report Thursday that it could take up to ten years to agree a new trade deal with the EU after Brexit, a move that could leave businesses in limbo. Prime Minister Theresa May's spokesman insisted that Britain could negotiate its departure from the European Union


Traces of explosives have been found on the bodies from the EgyptAir crash in May ? suggesting that the plane was bombed out of the sky by terrorists, according to several media reports Thurs…


A surprising number of lawmakers in the minority say they'd play ball if the changes aren't too far-reaching.


OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been facing criticism about Liberal Party cash-for-access fundraisers that have generated hundreds of thousands of...


One of the weirder aspects of anti-Trump mania is its sniffy tone. And it's especially weird coming from card-carrying liberal Democrats. For two generations our culture and its institutions have been living under a liberal ascendency. The country's elites—the Bigs of the news media and Hollywood and the non-profit world and the arts and the academy—have signed on to a catechism of personal liberation, particularly sexual liberation, and a kind of radical individual autonomy that even lets you choose whether you're a boy or a girl. We are taught to be nonjudgmental in matters of lifestyle and to accept a pristine relativism in metaphysics and morality.
In pursuit of perfect liberation we've had no-fault divorce, open access to abortion, the celebration of inverted sex, elimination of the blue laws, and wars against censorship that continue long after the censors have cried uncle. Say what you want about this regime, you'd never call it a triumph of puritanism.


Trump team says Twitter not big enough to be included in meeting.


In recent months, the press has been replete with reports that America is on the verge of achieving energy independence. For example, a recent study by the International Energy Agency (IEA) projects that by 2020 the U.S. will surpass Saudi Arabia to once again become the world’s largest oil producer. By 2030, according to the IEA, the U.S. could be a net oil exporter.


Craig Murray, former British ambassador and associate of Julian Assange, told the Dailymail.com he personally received Clinton campaign emails in Washington D.C.


In the era of Trump, what the Left labeled as innovative under Obama (executive orders, huge deficits, outreach to dictators) will soon be recast as horrific.


A rural Colorado school district decided Wednesday night to allow its teachers and other school staff to carry guns on campus to protect students.


Reporter Julia Ioffe has been fired by Politico after she suggested on Twitter that President-elect Donald Trump is having sex with his daughter Ivanka.


"This entire fake news narrative was created to cast doubt on one thing alone, and that was the rising awareness to the shockingly real PizzaGate case."


FRENCH politicians are getting twitchy about a win for Marine Le Pen’s National Front in next year’s elections and have warned of constitutional upheaval if she takes power and presses ahead with an EU referendum.


At the Washington Post, Catherine Rampell, alarmed by an alleged "police state" on Fifth Avenue in New York City and alleged "costs to commerce and property values," wants to have the city to "use eminent domain to seize Trump Tower." Unfortunately, the President-Elect does have a blind spot when it comes to the government taking someone's property and conveying it to someone else for supposed "economic development," but Rampell's arguments for the move are ridiculous, and betray an immature, deep-seated desire for some form of vengeance.