
More than 500 women were assaulted and robbed by mobs of immigrant, mostly North African men in the German city during last year's New Year's Eve celebrations, captured in a new light by the video.


Full Interview by based Sean Hannity with based Julian Assange


Arnold Schwarzenegger appeared to resume his “Kindergarten Cop” role on Wednesday while chastising President-elect Donald Trump’s critics.


They're not asking you to vote for Hillary. 37 Electors can be American heroes by voting their conscience for a real leader. Find local vigils and support ra...


'No-go zones are real,' says Ami Horowitz, after violent encounter in Muslim neighborhood. 'Police enforcement ends here'.


Donald Trump was three weeks into his search for a secretary of state when former Defense Secretary Robert Gates suggested Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson for the job.


Two hundred and twenty-five years ago today, a young nation made ten additions to its already revolutionary Constitution.


Source: Michael Kohl Every day the job of President-Elect seems to become more danger-filled for Donald Trump. It can honestly be said that it looks like the entire establishment is out to destroy…


At nearly every turn Syria conflict, the Obama administration yielded the military & strategic initiative to America’s enemies.


Three state election agencies have confirmed suspected cyber attacks linked to Department of Homeland Security IP addresses.


If anything, the Democrats have become our conservative party, while the GOP are bunch of wild-eyed radicals


The failure is massive, but it isn't surprising.


A Republican attempt to find out more about Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election hit a brick wall last night, when U.S. intelligence agencies refused a request to brief the House Intelligence Committee today (Thursday) on the cyber-attacks.


In the aftermath of the left’s hysterical reliance on the notion that “fake news” tilted the election to Donald Trump, Facebook has decided to crack down on “fake news.” Now, let’s stipulate from the outset that some stories that are factually false have circulated widely, and that these are “fake news.” But that’s not how the left defines “fake news.” Media Matters, for example, has released this chart:


Congressman Peter King had some pretty strong words for media outlets and parts of the U.S. intel community in response to all the talk of Russian hacking.


A jury has found Dylann Roof guilty of all 33 federal charges he faced after last year's massacre at a historically black church in Charleston, South Carolina.


Last May, Dr. Kathleen Levinstein, a professor of social work at the University of Michigan, wrote a heartbreaking piece about her autistic daughter, a teenaged girl who became convinced that she was really a man trapped inside a woman’s body. With encouragement from transgender activists at the local organization of PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends ?


A WikiLeaks figure is claiming that he received leaked Clinton campaign emails from a “disgusted” Democratic whistleblower, while the White House continued to blame Russian hackers Wednesday for meddling in the presidential election and asserted that Donald Trump was “obviously aware” of Moscow’s efforts on his behalf.


Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said Tuesday that President-elect Donald Trump has an opportunity to foster “American leadership through innovation” much like President John F. Kennedy.


Is there any truth to feminists' assertion that women make less money than men in the same jobs? Factual Feminist and AEI Resident Scholar Christina Hoff Som...


Current college students and Jared Meyer, author of "Disinherited: How Washington Is Betraying America's Young," talk about the future of college with WTI's ...


Trump wants to wean the U.S. off foreign oil. But under Rex Tillerson, Trump's nominee for secretary of state, Exxon was much more focused on pumping oil overseas in Russia and Africa and missed the huge possibility of job-creating oil production at home.


We're working on learning more details about this latest development for Channel 2 Action News starting at 4 p.m.


A Fox News poll released Thursday revealed ?


If accurate, it's a powerful blow to the current left-wing narrative.