County records requested by The News show 37 percent of Detroit’s precincts tabulated more ballots than they should have
I've had more black in me than Shaun King. TOUR: http://yiannopoulos.net READ: http://www.breitbart.com/milo/ LIKE: https://www.facebook.com/myiannopoulos/ B...
“Stephen played a central and wide-ranging role in our primary and general election campaign,” Trump says.
NFL icon and civil rights leader Jim Brown, a former Hillary Clinton supporter, sang President-elect Trump's praises after meeting with him at Trump Tower earlier Tuesday, and predicted Trump would stay in office two terms. He's going to be our man for the next four years at least, probably eight, and he's amenable to listening to people who did not vote for him, Brown told CNN. I fell in love with him because he really talks about helping African-American, black people and that's why I'm here. [W]hat he went through to become the president, he got my admiration. Because no one gave him a chance, you know? They called him names, people that called him names when he won he reached back and brought them along with him. He held no grudges, Brown added.
Zinke, a lifelong hunter and fisherman, has represented Montana’s at-large congressional seat for one term.
Stunning and brave! All 6 of them! TOUR: http://yiannopoulos.net READ: http://www.breitbart.com/milo/ LIKE: https://www.facebook.com/myiannopoulos/ BUY: http...

KANYE WEST on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“I wanted to meet with Trump today to discuss multicultural issues.”
"The graciousness, the intelligence, the reception we got was fantastic," Brown said.
German media have said that the 17-year-old suspected of raping and killing a student may have had a prior arrest for a similar crime. According to the report, he was sentenced to prison for attacking a woman in Greece.
Donald Trump Carrier Plant FULL Speech 12/1/16. Donald J. Trump had been vowing for months on the campaign trail to call the head of Carrier from the Oval Of...
US technology giant IBM said Tuesday it would hire 25,000 people in the country over the next four years, a day before President-elect Donald Trump meets wit...
Chris Suprun is one of 38 Texas electors. He recently went public with his decision to go against the will ...
Small businesses seem to like a unified Republican government.
Transgender Lance Corporal Aaron Wixson, 20, enlisted as a marine in 2014 when he was still living as a woman but will soon be recognized as a man after the U.S military lifted a ban.
Let's stop assuming everyone's gender.

A transgender Marine comes out

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Marine Lance Corporal Aaron Wixson is among the first to test ride a new healthcare policy for transgender troops. It's a work in a progress.
"Take your rightful positions, and get behind us."
The group, which gathered for a march in Philadelphia, began ordering only black people and media members to the front and white people to the back.
Climate Change set the stage for an assault brought on by chemtrails and geoengineering, meanwhile nanopartilces were discovered in brains.
To halt the rise of global temperatures, Harvard researchers are looking at solar geoengineering, which would inject light-reflecting sulfate aerosols into the stratosphere to cool the planet.
When asked about the lack of diversity in President-elect Donald Trump's Cabinet, NFL Hall of Famer Jim Brown said it's not about black and white, but rather...
The originators of fake news are now lecturing us about fake news. Gimme a break. Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71 FOLLOW Paul Joseph Wat...
The FDA is extending the meaning of the Tobacco Control Act to cover cigars, pipe tobacco, and even pipes.