
The President and President-elect skipping intelligence is concerning. Regardless of party.


Green Party candidate Jill Stein’s Michigan recount unintentionally exposed major voter fraud in Detroit. Election officials in Michigan found that ...


Fox News' Geraldo Rivera says his 11-year-old daughter helped him realize that Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall between the U.S. / Mexico border is a good...


President-elect Donald Trump has an opportunity to establish "American leadership through innovation," Bill Gates tells CNBC.


Obama Crushes Conspiracy: No Evidence that Russia Tampered with Votes in Election


Cast your minds back to a few weeks before the US election, when it never crossed the Hillary camp's elitist, arrogant minds that Trump, the ignorant Neanderthal, could beat her.


So, Donald Trump has selected his Secretary of State: Rex Tillerson, CEO of ExxonMobil. There are a solid number of serious questions about Tillerson, beginning with his overwhelmingly warm relationship with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, for whom Trump displayed similar warmth during the campaign. “I am honored by President-elect Trump’s nomination and share his vision for restoring the credibility of the United States’ foreign relations and advancing our country’s national security,” said Tillerson.
Here’s what you need to know:


President Obama has now fully embraced the Left's latest excuse for Hillary Clinton blowing the 2016 presidential election in historic fashion: The Russians did it. The obvious goal of Obama, whose legacy is on the verge of being erased with a few scribbles of ink and a couple of phone calls, is to try to delegitimize Trump's presidency before it even begins. It's a cynical and dangerous game he and his fellow Democrats are playing, but that has not stopped them before.


Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who built a reputation during the raucous GOP presidential primaries as an affable and moderate alternative, is suddenly finding himself at the center of the national abortion debate -- and under pressure to cast a decision bound to make him more unpopular with one side or the other.


During the presidential debates, moderator Chris Wallace asked candidate Donald Trump a pointed question: Win or lose, will you accept the results of the November election? Trump’s answer: “I’ll ke…


Trump Chooses Rick Perry For Secretary of Energy - Katie Pavlich: President-elect Donald Trump has chosen former Texas governor and GOP .12/13/2016 8:59:12AM EST.


President-elect Donald Trump has already committed a grave offense against our system of government by forming a “junta,” according to his critics. The Trump junta consists of three former generals…


NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Donald Trump?s boast on the campaign trail that he could shoot somebody and not lose any voters tops a Yale Law School librarian?s list of the most notable quotes of …


The Left has coalesced around the “real reason” for Clinton’s defeat.


THE terrifying scale of migrant sex attacks in Germany has been laid bare in a new map detailing the thousands of locations where women and children have been raped and abused in 2016 alone.


‘We have, by no means overcome the legacies of slavery and Jim Crow and colonialism and racism’


Let's talk about the foreign countries that REALLY involved themselves in our election. HINT: It's not Russia. And they didn't support Trump. The leftist mainstream media, which has their knickers in a twist because Trump won the election, must nurse their gaping political wounds by fabricating...


When a newly-elected Somali-American lawmaker alleged on social media last week that she was the victim of anti-Muslim verbal abuse in a Washington, D.C. taxi cab, a number of mainstream media outlets


President-elect Donald Trump announced Exxon-Mobil Corp's Rex Tillerson as his choice for secretary of state on Tuesday, praising the business leader as a successful international dealmaker who has led a global operation.


Students replaced the portrait with a photo of Audre Lorde, a black female writer.


There were emotional scenes in court on the first day of the blasphemy trial of Jakarta's governor.


President-elect Donald Trump will select ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson to serve as secretary of state, multiple sources told CNN Monday night, setting up a heated Senate confirmation battle and signaling a desire to ease Washington's estrangement with Russia.


We have previously followed controversies at leading universities where students have objected to reading works by white males (even as part of classic English literature courses). Now, students at…