Trump said he doesn't need to be told the same thing everyday.
Berlin: Muslima who claimed she was kicked off tram for hijab was actually kicked off for eating
Sen. Marco Rubio and other GOP senators fired a warning shot this weekend over President-elect Donald Trump’s consideration of ExxonMobil Chairman Rex Tillerson for secretary of state, raising concerns about the global energy titan’s reported Russian ties.
Christie was apparently holding out for the position he wanted more than any other — Attorney General.
The president-elect said he is “studying” whether the United States should withdraw from the Paris agreement.
Squeezed out of Twitter and other social media websites cracking down on hate speech, far-right activists are finding a home on a new platform that promises never to censor content.
On Wednesday a Syrian teenager reported she had been kicked off Berlin public transport for wearing a headscarf. It now appears that was a misunderstanding.

Joe Scarborough on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Rex Tillerson was recommended by Bob Gates and Condi Rice, and is a longtime friend of James Baker. Hardly the pedigree of a Putin stooge.”

Dennis Prager Distinctions In Torah

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Dennis Prager at Assembly of Yahweh 7th Day October 2013
The Washington Post published a report this weekend that claims the CIA has found that Russia intervened in the 2016 ...
A foster child who moved from home to home and finally found a loving family is about to be ripped from it because of her heritage. 
Venezuela's consumer agency confiscates four million toys from a company it accuses of hoarding.
“The Russians did it!” pile-on continued over the weekend as both the Mainstream Media and #neverTrump Republican neocons, Lindsey Graham and John McCain, gave further fuel to the conspiracy fires behind the DNC and John Podesta/Clinton campaign emails that were made public over the past several months. According to a former British diplomat, those emails …
The American Civil Liberties Union is taking aim at one small Indiana town's Christmas tree.
With Hillary loss, Castro has gone from the everywhere man to the nowhere man.
Librarians used to be known for telling everyone to be quiet. Now they can’t seem to shut up. They have opinions on just about every political issue of our time. And they can’t wait to share them w…

UnAffordable Health "Care"

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Years ago, my parents bought a small piece of property. I don't recall the particulars, but it was part of a larger parcel which was divv...
Under new rules put forth by the Obama administration, its now considered discriminatory for companies in the U.S. to require that employees speak English, but its OK to require that workers speak a foreign language.
The Sunday Talk Shows are filled with various left-wing punditry using two media reports from the Washington Post and New York Times claiming anonymous, albeit transparently political, ?intel…
"It would have been better if the Dutch state had sent a clear signal [to terrorists] via a Dutch court that we foster a broad notion of the freedom of expression in the Netherlands." — Paul Cliteur, Professor of Jurisprudence, Leiden University. The
"Move over Hillary, Harry, Jill, and all you namby pamby pathetic losers still crying in your grande double shot skinny lattes... don't be fooled by these narratives... it's all part of an orchestrated effort to build a wall to prevent Donald Trump from making America great again..."
There is only one "World's Most Fabulous Super-villain", and he is at DePaul for One Night - LIVE! His Topic: Feminism is Cancer! For all of the social justi...
Robby Soave (Reason’s Hit & Run) has more on the incident, with links. He also notes that DePaul demanded $1,000 for security from the College Republicans, who invited Yiannopoulos, as a condition of allowing him to speak. I think universities shouldn’t do that, but instead assure the safety of speakers and students as part of […]
The United States should abandon the Paris climate agreement and the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan. We learn from China in this matter.
An explosion near a Coptic church in the Egyptian capital left at least 25 people dead and 31 others injured, local media reported.