Ithaca (NY) third grade event shows how anti-Israel indoctrination has moved into elementary schools.

Europe: Illegal to Criticize Islam

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

While Geert Wilders was being prosecuted in the Netherlands for talking about "fewer Moroccans" during an election campaign, a state-funded watchdog group says that threatening homosexuals with burning, decapitation and slaughter is just fine, so long as
Here we are less than 5 weeks since President-elect Donald Trump's (my four favorite words after "Let's watch Death Wish") shocking victory -- a victory only made shocking due to all the fake news (Trump can't win!) spread by our National Media -- and already this very same National Media has been caught red-handed spreading 32 pieces of disinformation, of leftwing propaganda, of fake news.
Politico's Glenn Thrush, who was exposed in WikiLeaks emails sending stories to Hillary Clinton staffers before publication, will be joining the New York Times to cover the White House, The Huffington
North Dakota law enforcement officials say they've been "completely and utterly abandoned" by the federal government in response to the Dakota Access Pipeline protests.
The Obama White House raised transition tensions with President-elect Donald Trump Monday, laying out “objective facts” of the Republican’s ties to Russia and lashing out at congressional Republicans who now want to investigate whether Moscow’s cyberattacks were aimed at helping Mr. Trump win the election.
Staff at a Veterans Affairs hospital in the Tampa Bay area left a body in a shower for nine hours after a veteran died.
The Hillary Clinton campaign announced Monday that they were backing an effort to give electors in the Electoral College access to intelligence on the

Trump: No more 'war' on Christmas

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, who made opposition to political correctness a cornerstone of his campaign, wishes supporters a "Merry Christmas" during his 'Thank You Tour' of the country. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).
“The bipartisan electors' letter raises very grave issues involving our national security,” Podesta said in a statement Monday.
A priest in Italy has caused uproar after announcing there would be no Christmas nativity scene at the local cemetery this year because it could offend Muslims and atheists.
The latest liberal cause of the moment is something called “Gender Neutral Pronouns” and it is sweeping university classrooms around North America like a deadly virus. What ARE Gender Neutral PronounS? Gender Neutral Pronouns, for those who are unaware, is the idea that calling someone Sir, Miss, Mr., He, She, etc… is discriminatory to transgendered …
With our federal tax code and regulations now topping the 10 million-word mark, the costs associated with compliance are going through the roof.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL - Somewhere in the Kremlin Vladimir Putin must be laughing. The Russian strongman almost certainly sought to undermine public confidence in American democracy this year, and
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell broke with President-elect Donald Trump over Russia on Monday, saying he supports a congressional investigation into findings that Russian hackers attempted to influence the election.
Replacing the welfare state with an annual grant is the best way to cope with a radically changing U.S. jobs market—and to revitalize America’s civic culture.
And pass a conservative budget
President Obama was running for re-election in March 2012, when a live microphone picked up his whispered conversation with then-Russian President Dmitri Medvedev.
One of the other students felt threatened because there was a uniformed officer in the class.
Apparently it’s rape culture to give women tools to defend themselves.
Lockheed Martin became the latest target of President-elect Donald Trump, who criticized the defense giant's F-35 program. Defense stocks tumbled.
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump took aim at another major defense contractor on Monday, saying the cost of Lockheed Martin's F-35 fighter jet program was too high.
In early November Wikileaks founder Julian Assange told reporter John Pilger in an exclusive interview that it wasn’t Russia who ...
Did my title offend you? Yes? Then you are the cancer of modern day civil rights movement.