
Bullying Christians may be a favorite strategy of the left—but it’s not necessarily an effective one.


(LANGUAGE WARNING:) Trump vowed that he would be such a good president, Americans would be "sick of winning." Gavin McInnes of TheRebel.media says it's true,...


On Friday, Donald Trump became the first president-elect to speak to the leader of Taiwan since 1979. As the Financial Times notes, Trump's call could anger the Communist Chinese regime in Beijing:
Donald Trump risks opening up a major diplomatic dispute with China before he has even been inaugurated after speaking on the phone on Friday with Tsai Ying-wen, the president of Taiwan.
The telephone call, confirmed by three people, is believed to be the first between a US president-elect and a leader of Taiwan since diplomatic relations between the two were cut in 1979…
The Chinese leadership will see this as a highly provocative action, of historic proportions, said Evan Medeiros, former Asia director at the White House national security council.
Regardless if it was deliberate or accidental, this phone call will fundamentally change China's perceptions of Trump's strategic intentions for the negative. With this kind of move, Trump is setting a foundation of enduring mistrust and strategic competition for US-China relations.


After more than three weeks since Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election on November 8, the liberals in the entertainment industry still have not accepted the fact that Republican Donald Trump won the contest, and they use every chance they get to slam the president-elect. One such incident was the Gotham Awards, which are held every year on the Monday after Thanksgiving in New York City, when actor Ethan Hawke stated: “Whenever faced with fascism, the artistic community generally rises to the occasion.”


We're almost at the point where people who decline to be forced to acknowledge self-identifcation are subject to persecution by social justice warriors and, quite conceivably, the government


Irving Kristol famously wrote in 1978 that we might offer two cheers for capitalism—an insight borrowed from E.M. Forster's similar suggestion about democracy. The phrase is a call for restraint among supporters of free-market economics. Kristol himself said he and his fellow neoconservative intellectuals had learned to respect the power of the market to respond efficiently to economic realities while preserving the maximum degree of individual freedom. But he also urged conservatives to consider where and how unencumbered markets failed to deliver and to consider that some intervention—limited and narrow—could be healthy. Thus, two cheers, but only two.
What was once a warning to temper unbridled conservative enthusiasm for the free market might now be repurposed as a call to arms for advocates of market economics. Witness one detail from the New York Times's report on Donald Trump's speech to Carrier employees in Indiana Thursday, where the Republican president-elect praised the heating and cooling manufacturer for its post-election decision to keep around 1,000 jobs at its Indianapolis factory being outsourced to Mexico.


A lecturer at the University of Toronto says the notion of “biological sex” — that humans are born either male or female — is a “very popular misconception.”


This is one priority of the president-elect that other Republicans are likely to support, no matter how fiscally irresponsible.


President-elect Donald Trump spoke with the president of Taiwan by phone on Friday in a move likely to infuriate Beijing and hinder US-China relations.


“A $20 trillion debt-ridden country can’t afford this sinfully stupid practice,” she says.


A pernicious term used for those who voted for Trump and Brexit is the “low information voter”. Most likely uneducated, the low information voter doesn’t know much about “the issues”. He votes acco…


"No, tell me this isn't true!"


New revelations put Hillary Clinton's actions while in office under deep suspicion -- including her enabling a "reset" with Russia that seems to have led it to expand its power.


With Emily Thornberry en route to Cuba to attend the funeral of Fidel Castro, back in Blighty landbound socialists —?


Guest essay by Eric Worrall Green outrage is growing that Congress tweeted a link to an article by James Delingpole, which details how global average land temperature has just crashed by 1C (1.8F).…


Justin Trudeau's tribute to Fidel Castro upon Castro's death was disgusting.


The Carrier bailout is corporate welfare, pure and simple.


She wants to make fighting climate change one of her signature issues.


The fatal conceit of any populist movement is that it is non-ideological. It is entirely practical, its advocates insist. It has no use for theoreticians...


Over Thanksgiving weekend, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quietly released its latest Abortion Surveillance report for 2013. That is a year remembered by the pro-life movement for the trial and conviction of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell. But even that can’t push the liberal media to report the CDC’s grave numbers.


In an abstract from her essay published in Gastronomica, which calls itself The Journal of Critical Food Studies, a leftist professor posits that the reason Greek yogurt has become so popular is because it’s white. The author, one Perin Gurel, also intimates that white Americans had a prejudice against yogurt because it had Middle Eastern origins.


**The reference to "Leon Ponetta" near the end of this video refers to JON PODESTA. The person responsible for sacking the former quality control position ha...


Hampshire College in Massachusetts raised the American flag back to full staff Friday after outraged veterans protested the school's decision to stop flying all flags across campus.


Savor it. It finally happened. The national media no longer matters. The entire institution has been rendered as irrelevant as a drunken fan in the cheap seats pretending to know more about the game than Kobe. Sure, the media might still have the power to annoy. But as far as how the players play, the institution is now just, well, belligerent jerks with no power, no sway, no influence.


Mutiny to prevent Trump reaching 270 electoral votes?