A rapidly aging white population and fast-growing younger minority groups are speeding demographic changes across the nation.
A state senator says November's election results show Arkansans don't want it to be called Clinton National Airport anymore.
Reddit doesn't appear to like conservatives,Donald Trump supporters, or anyone who is sufficiently outside the leftist consensus.
BuzzFeed hit piece on Christian reality television stars Chip and Joanna Gaines suggests the couple might discriminate against LGBT clients.
Sanders implies "that a path to prison is the most likely alternative to a path to college. Pardon my acronym, but...WTF!?"
Incoming UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged EU politicians and bureaucrats to ignore voters and open up their borders, claiming the growing Islamic tsunami into the West was “inevitable” anyway. By Alex Newman
Almost 600 veterans are at risk.
His group project was due later this week.
Indonesian President Joko Widodo sought to ease tension in the world’s most populous Muslim nation by appearing at a rally of more than 150,000 people seeking to jail Jakarta’s Christian governor, an ally of his, over blasphemy allegations.
It's Obama, Not the American People, Who Won't Listen - David Limbaugh: You have to give President Barack Obama credit for one .12/02/2016 10:59:44AM EST.
FBI documents claim al-Hanooti raised $6 million for Hamas, named unindicted co-conspirator by federal prosecutors in two separate terror cases
The labor force participation rate slipped to 62.7% in November from 62.8% in October.
We live in a liberal world. We conservatives like to say that the United States is a center right nation but, as Joe Biden says, that is malarkey. Within our homes, most of America lives by a center right credo. We do not, however, live a conservative public life. The national conversation has changed and it is a liberal world. Conservative ideas must be whispered | Read More »
ISLAMIC State (ISIS) is poised to strike Europe with car bombs and lone wolf attacks as it is forced to evolve its tactics in response to losing territory in Middle East.
At odds during campaign, House Speaker Paul Ryan and President-elect Donald Trump are "fine" now and talk almost daily, Ryan tells 60 Minutes
Amazing Senate floor speech on November 30, 2016.
Stan Vaughan is a math and statistical wizard who was a victim of Democrat election fraud in his race, investigated and has staggering evidence of massive
Donald J. Trump on Wednesday morning repeated a statement he made the night before in the Republican presidential debate: that wages are “too high” in the United States, an argument he made to explain his opposition to raising the minimum wage. The remark is at odds with the otherwise populist message Mr. Trump has often espoused in his presidential campaign, including railing against potential...
MORE than four in ten British Muslims want to see at least some aspects of Sharia Law in force in the UK, an opinion poll revealed last night.
It’s time to pay up, Donald.
Dream big, and defy the sages of the status quo.
Tensions between the Clinton and Trump campaigns reached a fever pitch on Thursday night ? when a shouting match broke out between their top aides at a post-election forum on the 2016 preside…
Normally, you won’t find an inch of room between Sen. Chuck Schumer and the Anti-Defamation League. Yet now even the left-leaning ADL has come out against making Rep. Keith Ellison the next head of…
Donald Trump is inheriting the leadership of a nation that is only stable on the barest surface. From the economy to terrorism to racial tension to porous borders, the next President is going to find that the surface paint the Obama administration has slapped on the nation is quite thin. Beneath it lies tremendous problems that must be solved with haste.
Al Sharpton got a surprise phone call Thursday morning ? from President-elect Donald Trump. The civil rights preacher, who was convening a meeting of his National Action Network board of dire…