
MinneapolisAT THIS PARTICULAR TIME in history, it is a matter of note that Congress is about to re ceive its first Muslim member. Keith Ellison, currently a Minnesota state representative, is poised to succeed 14-term incumbent Democrat Martin Sabo in the Fifth District, which includes the city of Minneapolis. Ellison's endorsement by the Demo cratic-Farmer-Labor party is tantamount to his election in what is one of the safest Democratic seats in the country. Thus, at age 43, Ellison stands positioned not only to win that office but also to hold it as long as he chooses.
Ellison's Muslim faith has generated no controversy in the campaign. On the contrary, it has served to insulate aspects of his public record from close scrutiny in a city whose dominant news organ, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, is a paragon of political correctness. With the exception of columnist Katherine Kersten, the Star Tribune has scrupulously avoided examining Ellison's long train of troubling associations, foremost among them his ties to the Nation of Islam.


"Destruction of a once thriving and sucessful country..."


Democratic Minnesota Representative and Democratic National Committee chairman candidate Keith Ellison once called for slavery reparations and a separate


Vanquished Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is working to undermine the legitimacy of the election of her rival Republican ...


The video contains instructions on how to kill while outlining footage of earlier terrorist attacks in countries including Germany, France, Finland and Russia


Despite being urged not to by Congressional Republicans, the Obama administration is making a list -- and checking it twice -- of new regulations to slap on American voters before the new year. A


At least one suspect is dead and 10 people were sent to the hospital after a chaotic attack involving a knife and car took place Monday on the campus of the Ohio State University, officials said.


. . . ignoring Congress' warning against a flurry of "midnight" regulations


There was, to be sure, a great deal that was wrong—badly wrong—with Cuba before Castro’s revolution, but it’s worth noting this extract from a useful PBS summary of the position the island before Fidel brought disaster:
On the eve of Fidel Castro’s 1959 revolution, Cuba was neither the paradise that would later be conjured by the nostalgic imaginations of Cuba’s many exiles, nor the hellhole painted by many supporters of the revolution, who recall Cuba as “the brothel of the Western hemisphere” — an island inhabited by a people degraded and hungry, whose main occupation was to cater to American tourists at Havana’s luxurious hotels, beaches and casinos. Rather, Cuba was one of the most advanced and successful countries in Latin America.
Cuba’s capital, Havana, was a glittering and dynamic city. In the early part of the century the country’s economy, fueled by the sale of sugar to the United States, had grown dynamically. Cuba ranked fifth in the hemisphere in per capita income, third in life expectancy, second in per capita ownership of automobiles and telephones, first in the number of television sets per inhabitant. The literacy rate, 76%, was the fourth highest in Latin America. Cuba ranked 11th in the world in the number of doctors per capita. Many private clinics and hospitals provided services for the poor. Cuba’s income distribution compared favorably with that of other Latin American societies. A thriving middle class held the promise of prosperity and social mobility….
The promise that Castro was to shatter.


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s truce and efforts to “come together” after their bitter White House race appeared to fray this weekend when Clinton joined in a vote-recount effort, then a top Trump adviser hedged about a criminal probe into Clinton’s emails.


True the Vote, a group dedicated to rooting out vote fraud, issued a statement supporting the charge by President-Elect Donald ...


Amidst the jubilant celebration of Cuban Americans upon hearing of Fidel Castro's death, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had a very different take. Here is the full eulogy from the head of the Canadian government: “It is with deep sorrow that I learned today of the death of Cuba’s longest serving President. “Fidel Castro was?


Through Trump Hotels, the GOP nominee secretly conducted business in Cuba, ignoring American laws. Later, he falsely told Cuban-American voters he would never spend money on the island so long as Fidel Castro remained in power.


If ever there were a political no-brainer, this is it.


Police organizations have high hopes for President-elect Donald Trump. But at the top of their wish list isn’t proposed legislation or policy — rather they hope the self-proclaimed “law and order” candidate can usher in a new era of respect and support for law enforcement.


When the election results came in, I assumed things would go back to normal. Conservatives would fight against liberals and push back against the GOP when they veered too close the middle. I figured I could put aside Trump's buffoonery from the campaign trail because he'd be acting very differently as President-elect and then as President. I conjectured that the left would try to unite behind the rallying call of stopping their bleeding and grow up as a party the way the GOP started to grow up (a little) after 2008.


An Indonesian woman screamed in agony Monday as she was caned in Aceh, the latest in a growing number of women to be publicly flogged for breaking the province's strict Islamic laws. Aceh is the only province in the world's most populous Muslim-majority country that imposes sharia law. In the


In the Southern Hemisphere, sea-ice levels just smashed through the previous record highs across Antarctica, where there is now more ice than at any point since records began. In the Arctic, where …


Today’s United Nations is the antithesis of the bastion of humanity First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt championed over six decades ago. Walking through the corridors of power at the UN building in New York are some of the worst violators of human rights, theocrats, autocrats, sadists, and madmen. Built on a blueprint of tragic irony, the UN isn’t just an inept, isolated institution, but a disease of moral decay metastasizing through the beating heart of human dignity.


Around 1,000 veterans gathered at a western Massachusetts college Sunday to protest the school’s decision to stop flying all flags, including U.S. flags, after students allegedly burned a flag in protest of Donald Trump’s election victory.


Former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer writes that the West Wing briefing room contains 49 seats. Most go to the MSM with barely any to the dot-com world.


Donald Trump is furious at campaign manager Kellyanne Conway for going “rogue” and attacking Mitt Romney, according to a report on Monday. The president-elect is livid that Conway opened fire on Ro…


FNC Senior Judicial Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano on whether Hillary Clinton could still be prosecuted over the email scandal and President-elect Donald Trump's potential picks for the Supreme Court.


Over the weekend, murderous dictator Fidel Castro died at the ripe old age of 90. It was a taste of long-delayed and insufficient justice for one of the worst human beings to inhabit the planet, but that did not stop lamentations from the left.