
Giving the middle finger to the American electorate by ignoring the results of the recently held election


"Kellyanne went rogue at Donald Trump's expense at the worst possible time," a source familiar with Trump's thinking told MSNBC.


Obama Claims Electoral System Rigged in Favor of Republicans


?After months dominated by the Republican circus of haters, ranters and that very special group of king killers in Congress,” the Democrats — the adults in the room — finally got to debate, h…


Just because President-elect Donald Trump has unequivocally disavowed and condemned white nationalists and alt-right types who cheered his victory, don’t expect the left and its media allies to end…


Should Americans wish each other "Happy holidays" or "Merry Christmas"? Should an office "Christmas party" be called a "holiday party" so that it's more incl...


"This election was a mandate for change...We can't blow it. We have got to deliver," Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) told ABC's "This Week" on Sunday. "And the most catastrophic thing Republicans could do is go back to business as usual."


Chalk it up to the rigors of a book tour, if one is inclined to be charitable. Otherwise this comes across as delusional. New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, making the media rounds to flog his new book, "Thank You for Being Late: An Optimist's Guide to Thriving in an Age of Accelerations," made an assertion on NPR's On Point with Tom Ashbrook on Nov. 22 that surely set off guffaws coast to coast.


Not intended to advocate 'inoffensive or politically correct' language.


The traditional conservative voice is being drowned out by the forces of demagoguery and viciousness on the far right


Speech by Stephen K. Bannon (Steve Bannon), Donald Trump's senior strategic advisor and architect of his winning 2016 election. In this speech delivered to t...


Among ISIS' many atrocious practices, they video their murders. So almost all U.S. politicians (and would-be politicians) want to "bomb the hell out of ISIS!" or to "CARPET-BOMB ISIS!"...right? Well, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were lovingly filming their murders half a century before ISIS caught on to the charming practice. (Murder-Video above left was…


As we always knew, California and American elections are filled with fraud and corruption. Thanks to a new poll, we now know that approximately 13% of illegal aliens vote. Since they are already criminals, stealing ID’s or using phony ID’s. lie to get welfare, steal jobs—why not vote as they to lose. Since they can …


Did 3 million illegal immigrants vote in the 2016 election as Gregg Phillips of VoteStand claims? The stunning allegation was made earlier this week and has


It appears that Andrew Breitbart was aware of John Podesta's involvement with an elaborate pedophile network. Was Andrew murdered for knowing too much? Get f...


Glazov: 'Monster' Fidel Castro Leaves Blood of Innocents in His Wake


An internal tug of war over who Donald Trump will name as secretary of state has slowed what had been a relatively brisk pace of appointments and is obscuring the many key positions that remain unfilled.


He doesn't go into ethnic groups, but you can read between the lines.


Miami fans, presumably many Cuban-Americans or in honor of Cuban-Americans, booed Kaepernick at NFL game in Miami after his words of praise for recently dece...


“Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California - so why isn't the media reporting on this? Serious bias - big problem!”


"We believe we have an obligation ... to participate in ongoing proceedings to ensure that an accurate vote count will be reported,” a Clinton campaign lawyer wrote on Medium.


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Cuba has banned the sale of alcohol during the nine days of state sanctioned mourning of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. According to 14Ymedio.com, any indication that could reveal Cubans on the islan