
“Democrats have called every single GOP appointee "racist" for the past 15+ years. At this point, it's crying wolf.


A gender studies professor at Rutgers University who is greatly bothered by the Donald Trump election win, and also happened to create a "Politicizing Beyonce" course, was taken to a psych ward for his political statements on Twitter and in the classroom.
Kevin Allred told the New York


NOAA claimed record heat in numerous locations is September, like these ones in Africa and the Middle East. 201609.gif (990×765) This is a remarkable feat, given that they don’t have any actual the…


Fashion designers are protesting the election of Donald Trump by refusing to dress the incoming First Lady, People magazine reported.


One of the stunners in what has been described, repeatedly, by the media as Donald Trump’s stunning victory over Hillary Clinton November 8 was the GOP nom


Man Admits Lying About 'Trump Country Lynching' Hate Crime Report


A Texas television reporter is out of a job after she criticized President Obama and praised President-elect Donald Trump on her personal Facebook page — claiming the country went “downhill” under …


Donald Trump won the presidential election despite polls that indicated Hillary Clinton was favored. One popular explanation for this is that some people were afraid to admit to pollsters that they…


Never, it turns out, isn’t such a long time after all. For many Republicans, indeed, it denotes less than a week, since Donald Trump defied every prediction, even in his own adopted party, and won the White House. Where are the Never Trumpers now? In many cases, rallying around a man they had castigated as a fake Republican, a disgrace to the country who was temperamentally unfit to be president, and a threat to the very survival of the planet. Here are just a few choice NeverTrumpers turned apparent believers.


"You are a great friend of Israel. Over the years, you have expressed your support consistently, and I deeply appreciate it. I look forward to working with you to advance security, prosperity and peace."


U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is considering retired General David Petraeus, who resigned as CIA chief in 2012 after an extra-marital affair was revealed, is being considered for the post of defense secretary, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday, citing people with knowledge of the transition process.


Ouch! Even the French elitists are distancing themselves from loser Hillary Clinton. 71 year-old frontrunner Alain Juppe told public radio, ...


World View: African Nations Furious over Possible Collapse of Climate Change Agreement


Now that Jeff Sessions is Donald Trump's pick for attorney general, you're going to hear a lot of people dig up old accusations that Sessions is a racist. In fact, CNN did so last night. However, between the nature of the accusations and Sessions's actual record of desegregating schools and taking on the Klan in Alabama, it strains credulity to believe that he is a racist.
These accusations all center around the bruising judicial nomination process Sessions went through in 1986. Ronald Reagan had tapped Sessions to serve on the federal bench and the Senate judiciary committee ultimately rejected him after they heard testimony that he had supposedly called the ACLU and NAACP un-American and communist-inspired, as well as made racist remarks. The accusations came from Thomas Figures, a black assistant U.S. attorney who worked for Sessions who said Sessions called him boy and had made a joke about how he thought the KKK was O.K. until [he] found out they smoked pot. Another prosecutor, J. Gerald Hebert, said Sessions had called a white lawyer a disgrace to his race for representing black clients.


Arizona’s presidential electors are reportedly being hit by a flood of emails and phone calls demanding they defy the voters in their state and choose Hillary Clinton instead of President-elect Donald Trump -- as part of a last-gasp bid to overturn the election.


For the first time since 1880, Americans ages 18 to 34 are more likely to be living with their parent(s) than in a household shared with a spouse or partner.


"If you’re voting for Trump, it’s time for the urn."


Sweden is struggling due to the influx of immigrants. A 60 minutes crew visited there trying to find the "good" in the migrants. Instead they got attacked. This is shocking: REPORTER: For all it's generosity Sweden is now grappling with communities of disaffected migrants who can't find jobs and...


WOW! Shoes.com today banned Ivanka Trump shoes from their product line. The company then BRAGGED ABOUT IT online! The company ...


"I'm not a white nationalist, I'm a nationalist. I'm an economic nationalist," Bannon tells THR media columnist Michael Wolff as the controversial Breitbart News chief turned White House advisor unleashes on Hillary Clinton, Fox News and his critics.


Who is the forgotten man? What does he want from government? Why did he vote for Trump?