President-elect Donald Trump has offered the key post of national security adviser former Defense Intelligence Agency chief Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (ret.), the Associated Press reported Thursday, citing an unnamed senior Trump official.
Students who support Trump will be asked to explain how he's not racist.
Guest essay by Eric Worrall h/t Breitbart ? President Obama and Chancellor Angela Merkel have jointly blamed the disruptive influence of the Internet for their political losses, and have dema…
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas called on fellow conservatives Thursday to continue the work of the late Justice Antonin Scalia to keep the power of the courts and other branches of government in check.
Warning: Explicit Language. The top media reactions to Donald Trump's win in the 2016 presidential election. Compiled of clips captured by the Media Research...
Right now, there's a well-organized, below-the-radar effort to render the Electoral College effectively useless. It's called the National Popular Vote, and i...
It’s about time unruly students went back to class.

Ronald Reagan’s Disarmament Dream

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

How Reagan’s fantasy about—and Mikhail Gorbachev’s fear of—space weapons ruined a plan to eliminate the entire U.S. and Soviet nuclear arsenals.

An Open Letter to Donald Trump

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Cleaning the Augean Stables.
Such a move could violate federal anti-nepotism law and risk legal challenges and political backlash.
This is the moment where hate speech laws become a greater threat to democracy and freedom of speech than hate speech itself. In France, Muslim terrorists are never Muslim terrorists, but "lunatics," "maniacs" and "youths". To attack freedom of the press
President-elect Donald Trump said Ford Motor Co. will be keeping a Lincoln plant in the U.S. instead of moving it to Mexico.
Mr. Sessions, an Alabama conservative, was denied a federal judgeship by the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1986 because of racially charged comments.
President Obama, speaking at a press conference in Germany, passed up the opportunity Thursday to tamp down the anti-Donald Trump protests back home -- urging those taking part not to remain silent.
In this video, Dan Bongino responds to Robert Reich and his defense of Bernie Sanders’ Socialist political platform. Reich’s video tries do explain-away crit...
Dan discusses how the free market deals with cost and quality of products when you pay for your own goods and services.
"I would have voted for Trump." - Kanye West
Kanye West opened up about the election during his most recent Saint Pablo concert.
Times have changed, and so has our national identity.
Ford Motor Company has confirmed President-elect Trump's Thursday night statement that he worked with the company to keep them from outsourcing jobs in Kentucky to a new plant in Mexico. Today, we confirmed with the President-elect that our small Lincoln utility vehicle made at the Louisville Assembly Plant will stay in Kentucky. We are encouraged that President-elect Trump and the new Congress will pursue policies that will improve U.S. competitiveness and make it possible to keep production of this vehicle here in the United States, Ford said in a statement. Ford staying put may rank as Trump's first win in a campaign that focused heavily boosting the economy and bringing back America's manufacturing-related jobs. Trump tweeted Thursday night that he recently received a call from the Ford Motor Company Chairman Bill Ford, who told him the company has decided not to outsource its building of Lincoln Navigators from Kentucky to Mexico. Trump credited conversations with Ford as the reason the mega-car company has chosen to keep the plants in the Bluegrass State.
Obama Tears Up Drilling Permits to Stop Gigantic Energy Boom in Colorado
A Minnesota district court lifts a decade-long statewide ban on transgender surgeries for those on Medicaid.

Leftism: Then vs Now

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Special Thanks to Julie Borowski for lending her voice! FreedomToons: http://facebook.com/freedomtoons - http://patreon.com/freedomtoons - donate Julie: http...

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Just got a call from my friend Bill Ford, Chairman of Ford, who advised me that he will be keeping the Lincoln plant in Kentucky - no Mexico”
A northern Minnesota mother says she wants the federal courts to restore her parental rights so she can help her teen child, who is undergoing a sex-change procedure from male to female. ?Not…