
Will every American who’s weeping, emotionally devastated and throwing up — please just get a grip? It’s time to stop acting like we’re living through the Arab Spring. The protesters in the street…


President-elect Donald J. Trump — the name really has a sweet ring to it! — has earned a mandate unlike any predecessor in more than 30 years.


The reactions of many Americans to the Trump victory is a symptom of their political immaturity.


The clearest precedent for Trump is the anti-elite, big-government conservatism of Nixon


President-elect Donald Trump hasn't yet publicly named a chief of staff, but already, a major tea party group is warning him against naming one of his reported top choices.


The popular social media website Twitter has allowed the hashtag “#AssassinateTrump” to be posted on the site for days following ...


Trump voters need to see this...


As I heard it, my great-grandmother was the one who wanted to stay. After all, they had lived there their entire lives. Why leave now? Everything they ...


We’re heading into uncharted waters


The answer is thoughtful engagement.


SHE LOST!@!!! I aint in love with the competition, but I'm glad he creamed her... http://patreon.com/freedomtoons


This is an example of the elitist agenda of the far left that has zero tolerance for anyone who does not walk in lockstep.


Donald Trump is heading to Washington D.C. to clean things up, or as some would say, drain the swamp. Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016


The jobs picture has changed profoundly since the 1970s. This map shows how those changes played out across the country.


The pensioner was attacked in Austria in 2015 by a 17-year-old asylum seeker from Afghanistan when she offered him her hand to pull him out of a canal where he was swimming.


Donald Trump Celebrated As Model Citizen In NYC News coverage on Wollman Rink from 1987. Trump has been a leader and Good Samaritan all his life.


Donald Trump Craziest and Funniest Rally Moments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWMCrsMxK9E Follow TrumpAddict on Twitter https://twitter.com/trumpaddict


http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/flashback-trump-saved-ny-veterans-day-parade/ A meme was started by Trump antagonists in certain conservative circles that Do...


Whether you love him or hate him, you can't help but hear about Donald Trump in the news. “You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs?’” “Don Voyage. Trump...


Trump Quietly Helped Marine Left To Rot In Mexican Prison For 214 Days, Whom Obama Ignored.


The year was 1991 with Desert Storm and here is a story thanks to Sean Hannity's web site that came to light about Donald Trump's silent patriotism for our t...


Mexican Ex-Employee tells SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT DONALD TRUMP! I was at a Republican Council meeting at an El Torito in Manhattan Beach, and I met this woman t...