Tallying up the party's recent losses.
Obama's trade office is largely suspending its effort to pass his signature Asian free-trade deal before President-elect Trump takes office.
Hollywood elite Lena Dunham is not only in shock and suffering from a wicked case of the sadz, but she's fighting-mad that Hillary And #Her Uterus actually lost the presidential election on Tuesday night. And it couldn't be more satisfying or hilarious. Here's why: Dunham's response to the stunning defeat of Hillary Clinton is not one of acceptance, nor tolerance, nor self-reflection. No, Dunham reacted by doing what she always does: calling any and everyone racist and sexist and every other "ist" you can think of. 
After Donald Trump’s stunning victory, some stars were in a bind. They had told fans they’d leave the country if the Republican candidate won the race...a possibility they never legitimately entertained. What to do now that the unthinkable had happened? See why these celebs decided to stay.
The resignation came in this afternoon and is effective immediately, though there is no word on his future plans and whether or not he is returning to work for
Former President George W. Bush’s new book will merge two of his most famous post-presidency endeavors: painting and veterans.The book will...
After meeting with President Barack Obama, President-elect Donald Trump appears to have reversed his position on repealing Obamacare.
I just signed a petition to The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama: Amend the constitution to abolish the Electoral College. Hold presidential elections based on popular vote. One person one vote to determine the one leader who is supposed to answer to all the people of the country.
Donald Trump’s US election victory could be a blessing for the prime minister – or a curse in disguise.
Conservatives have long been willing to accept such provisions as compromises, the better to shore up support for ending Obamacare
However, the margins between Clinton and Trump were too wide for the laws to have any meaningful significance.
There are always overreactions to big news like the presidential election, but with the proper timing, and depending on exactly what the president-elect plans to do, there may be many plays to make in the health-care space
"...thank you to all the veterans in the area."
I’m from the rural midwest. I now live in Washington, D.C. All of this talk about coastal elites needing to understand more of America has it backwards.
Vice President-elect Mike Pence is taking over White House transition efforts from New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie – one of a host of changes announced Friday by President-elect Donald Trump as he works quickly to form his administration-in-waiting.
Appearing to walk back statements made by president-elect and other advisers, Walid Phares says nuclear pact will be ‘renegotiated,’ US mission will only be moved to Jerusalem under ‘consensus,’ brokering Israeli-Palestinian peace deal will be top priority
DNC Staffer Has Meltdown During Meeting, Screams at Donna Brazile For Helping Get Trump Elected - Leah Barkoukis: Democratic Party officials held their first post-election meeting on Thursday .11/11/2016 16:58:23PM EST.
Discuss this video: http://reddit.com/r/cgpgrey The Trouble with The Electoral College: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wC42HgLA4k How the Electoral College...
American unions endorsed Hillary Clinton but got Donald Trump. The president-elect connected with workers while campaigning, but his victory is likely bad news for organized labor.
Paid instigators are making an already bad situation much much worse.
This is child abuse. A liberal Hillary-supporting mother abused her young son and threatened to kick him out of her ...
Is CNN using their own crew members as fake protesters? Earlier today, we posted a video of a Hillary supporter having a total meltdown on CNN last night. In a slightly longer version of the clip you can watch below, CNN's Don Lemon remarks at the end of the video that he knows the man and that...

Pence will lead Trump transition

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Vice President-elect Mike Pence assumed control of President-elect Donald Trump's transition efforts Friday as part of a shakeup that reduced New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's role.
Seattle Socialist councilwoman Kshama Sawant told protesters to shut down Donald Trump’s inauguration in Washington DC. Sawant told the crowd ...