
Chelsea could run for the seat in NYC’s 17th Congressional District once Nita Lowey decides to retire.


A database containing the identity of undocumented immigrants living in New York City would not be opened up to a Trump administration without a "real fight," the city's mayor said on Thursday.


Al Sharpton said he was just kidding when he said he was leaving the country if Donald Trump became president. [caption id="attachment_5320757" align="alignnone" width="640"] (Photo: Andrew Burt


San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who made headlines for his obstinate refusal to stand during the national anthem, turning him into a icon and hero for leftists, showed how much he truly cared about America on Tuesday – he


Nothing about Donald Trump?s candidacy for the presidency was normal. After all, he defeated more than a dozen recognized names in the Republican Party – even after he refused to promise he would support the GOP candidate if it wasn?t him. Nor was his stunning-to-many election victory over Hillary Clinton, an icon of one of the [?]


Reclaim the Republic. Restore the Constitution.


The Trump transition team is quickly getting to work to identify the best choices for Cabinet posts, as well as for a Supreme Court nominee to fill the seat of the late Antonin Scalia, which has remained vacant since last February. A leaked list of prospective Cabinet picks suggests that the transition team, led by New Jersey governor Chris Christie, is almost exclusively focused on Trump loyalists — and men. While Trump may wish to reward loyalty, it would be a costly error for him to shut out Republicans, or even Democrats, who could contribute to the hard work of governing.
Trump and his former rival, Hillary Clinton, have divided the nation more than any other presidential nominees in history, and while Republicans will control both houses of Congress, the margins are close. Trump will need a united GOP and some Democratic support in order to have a successful presidency. The self-proclaimed expert negotiator will have an arduous path to find common ground with Democrats. But the president-elect could begin healing his own party by offering an overture to the anti-Trump Republicans. Perhaps there is no better way to accomplish this than by nominating an avid critic of Trump who might have lost her reelection race because of Trump’s divisive rhetoric.
There is no love lost between Senator Kelly Ayotte and Trump. While other candidates would eventually follow her lead, Ayotte was one of the first Republicans to say she would “support but not endorse” the GOP presidential nominee, who handily won the Republican primary in Ayotte’s home state of New Hampshire. She would later go on to state that Trump was not a role model, and ultimately that she would not be voting for the top of her party’s ticket.
As could be expected, Trump was less than gracious about their differences of opinion. In what was an unprecedented move — a presidential nominee attacking a Senate candidate from his own party — Trump said: “I don’t know Kelly Ayotte. I know she’s given me no support — zero support — and yet I’m leading her in the polls. I’m doing very well in New Hampshire. We need loyal people in this country. We need fighters in this country. We don’t need weak people.”
In fact, Trump was not leading Ayotte in the polls. My company, InsideSources/NH Journal, polled the race in New Hampshire twice before the election. As other polls also showed, Ayotte was outperforming Trump. Additionally, our final poll, taken a week ahead of Election Day and accurate on the final vote within the margin of error, found that Trump was a significant drag on Ayotte’s reelection chances.
The New Hampshire race would prove to be the closest in the country. When the final tally was announced by the New Hampshire secretary of state late Wednesday, Ayotte lost to Governor Maggie Hassan by 716 votes. Trump received 7,883 fewer votes than Ayotte. If not for Trump’s unpopularity in New Hampshire, it’s reasonable to believe that Ayotte would have been reelected.
Ayotte has the right experience and would breeze through the confirmation process.
With the election now past us and the seriousness of the task ahead now confronting Ayotte and Trump, the president-elect should give strong consideration to naming the New Hampshire senator his attorney general, defense secretary, homeland-security secretary, or Supreme Court nominee. Ayotte would mark a smart contrast to the male-dominated shortlists that the campaign has put forward for the Cabinet and the Supreme Court, but, more important, she has the right experience and would breeze through the confirmation process.
A former prosecutor, Ayotte is the only woman ever to be appointed attorney general of New Hampshire: She was originally appointed by a Republican governor and twice reappointed by a Democrat. She has argued before the Supreme Court, and, in another high-profile case, she successfully won a conviction and a death sentence for a cop killer.
Ayotte built a reputation in the Senate for her dedication to her constituents. Conservatives vetting Trump’s appointments will be pleased by the stances she took in the Senate. From her position on the Armed Services Committee, she supported a strong military, and she opposed both the Iran nuclear deal and the closure of Guantanamo. She is a fiscal conservative, opposing Obamacare, supporting lower taxes for families and businesses, and fighting for lower federal spending. She worked to give better tools to law enforcement to fight crime in their communities.
But Ayotte also knew the importance of working across the aisle, a talent that will be needed now more than ever, as our nation remains deeply divided. Ayotte worked with Democrats to stem the opioid epidemic and stop sexual assault on college campuses. She supports offering over-the-counter birth control. While Ayotte is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and seeks to restore the rights of those unfairly denied a firearms purchase, she opposes allowing suspected terrorists to buy guns. She has also stood for equal rights for the LGBT community.
Despite their differences, Trump needs someone like Ayotte in his Cabinet or as a Supreme Court nominee. While Trump’s base will see much to appreciate in Ayotte’s conservatism, she is a conservative with a smile and a brand of New Hampshire politeness that has been sorely lacking up to this point in Trump’s time on the political stage.
– Shawn McCoy is the publisher of InsideSources and New Hampshire Journal. He is a former spokesman for Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign.


The shock and anger over Donald Trump?s ascension to the White House has triggered a flood of calls on Twitter and other social media outlets for the president-elect to be assassinated — and …


While pollsters and the news media are still wondering how President-elect Donald Trump won the White House, evangelist Franklin Graham now cites the influence of faith and prayer in the outcome of a historic election.


“Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!”


MSNBC's Chris Matthews reacts to people protesting the election of Donald Trump to the presidency.
"I'm always open to the economic argument," Matthews said on the Thursday broadcast of his show Hardball. "I do accept that Marxist tradition, really, which is a good one which is always try to explain elections by economics. And I think it always works.
"How about those protestors," Matthews said. "What would you say to those kids? Most of them in their 20s. I think they do go to school during the day. I think they came out of NYC last night up from downtown in the [West] Village and they marched all the way past Trump Tower to make their statement."
"What kind of a statement is it really there to make?" Matthews asked. "They lost."
"Look it's their First Amendment right," Karine Jean-Pierre of MoveOn.org said. "The country is grieving. Something happened on Tuesday night that people were not anticipating. Donald Trump
"Regarding these protesters, by the way, these protesters are not exercising their First Amendment rights. They have every right to speak. They don't have a right to stop traffic. They don't have a right to get in the way of commerce. That's not the First Amendment. That's being a spoiled brat. And by the way, what are they protesting when they block traffic? Democracy itself?" guest Steve Cortez, a Trump supporter, said.


Some people just want to see the world burn. As anti-Trump rioters wreaked havoc in the streets of Portland, Oregon on Thursday, they ended up turning on each other and brawling in the road way. Video shows one rioter hammering an electrical box with a baseball bat. The idiots are now fighting each other. #TrumpRiot …


2016 Election: There's nothing like an election to bring out violent hatemongers, the narrow-minded bigots and the just plain intolerant extremists. And no, we are not talking about Trump supporters here, but the legions of left-wingers who are showing off their true colors.
According to the


A man shown in a viral video getting punched and kicked as a crowd yells, "Don't vote Trump " acknowledges he supports Donald Trump but said Thursday that's not what started the beating on the West Side the day after the presidential election.


"They are saying they did nothing wrong, which is ridiculous," one Democrat says.


A NC-based KKK group called the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan says it will hold a North Carolina rally in December to celebrate Donald Trump’s presidential victory.


Police are investigating the burning of a black church in Mississippi, during which vandals spray painted "Vote Trump" on the structure.


Nothing says peaceful protest like spray painting "die whites die" on a monument.


Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid says in release that the 'election of Donald Trump has emboldened the forces of hate and bigotry in America'


During his show Wednesday, Rush Limbaugh asked for somebody to tell him 'why it's wrong for white people to vote their interests' but not wrong for everyone else to


Ted Cruz talks about the landmark Supreme Court decisions on the Affordable Care Act and same-sex marriage. Cruz says “five unelected lawyers” altered the la...


Police in Portland, Ore. declared that a once peaceful protest was a riot after demonstrators were seen attacking drivers and committing acts of vandalism during their march against Donald Trump’s election Thursday night.


Dr. Ben Carson has become one of the most liked individuals in the Republican party. He’s insanely smart, well-tempered, and he’s certainly someone America respects in regards to healthcare. Dr. Carson has just indicated that he will be helping President Trump craft a replacement for Obamacare, which has been one of the cornerstones and promises […]