
Conceding Hillary Clinton’s staggering defeat, President Barack Obama urged the nation Wednesday to join him in rooting for President-elect Donald Trump’s success. He said he was heartened by Trump’s election night call for unity and hoped it wouldn’t fade.


As Donald Trump celebrated his surprise election win over Hillary Clinton and equity futures swooned in response, billionaire investor and Trump supporter Carl Icahn headed home to start trading.


For anyone who has any doubts: The Supreme Court has become another political branch.


Just to remind ourselves, before polling day Donald Trump said that on his first day in office he would label China a “currency manipulator” and, that done, he would withdraw the US from the North American Free Trade Agreement and place a 35 per cent tariff on Mexican imports.


White House Doesn’t Rule Out Pardoning Hillary Clinton (November 9, 2016)


Watch closely.
Beginning as early as today, but definitely by January 20, 2017, the mainstream media will discover a host of problems, dangers, failures, troubles, mistakes, and catastrophes that somehow escaped their attention, or were considered unimportant, during the last eight years under Obama. For example,
When jobs numbers come out, nothing less than 250,000 full-time jobs will be considered ”strong.”
A 4.9 percent unemployment rate will be considered almost as disastrous as the 4.2 percent rate under Bush in 2006.
“Real” unemployment will be adjusted once again by the labor force participation rate and will be found to be 9.5 percent, not 4.9 percent.
Crises in the Middle East will be attributed to American bellicosity and maladroit U.S. policy.
When Iran acquires a nuclear weapon, it will be because of then-current foreign policy failures.
Adding even twelve cents to the current $20 trillion national debt will be “unpatriotic” and a fiscal catastrophe in the making.
The worst race relations in 50 years will have commenced with, and will be due to, Republican control of the White House and Congress.
Public outrage over health insurance will have commenced with, and will be due to, Republican failure to fix the health care system. Last year.
We will learn that 13 million more people than in, oh, 2008, have instantly descended into poverty.
Anything less than 3 percent growth in any quarter will be due to abysmal administration failures.
The Justice Department will be found to have been horribly politicized. By Republicans.
There will be alarm over the derogation of the rule of law.
The ranks of racists, sexists, homophobes, xenophobes, and bigots of every stripe will have swelled tenfold.
Actual instances of government incompetence will be uncovered after eight years of astonishing bureaucratic perfection.
Welcome back mainstream media. Your eight -year vacation from reality is over.


Liberal students across the nation watched in shock as Donald Trump clinched victory from Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States.


“HELLO DARKNESS MY OLD FRIEND. #NotMyPresident https://t.co/WuXXhJGYZO”


One man suggested California, Oregon and Washington could form a new country called 'Cow'.


Many voters say they would question the legitimacy of a win by the presidential candidate they oppose, which is a terrible sign for the electoral process.


By Ginger Gibson and Grant Smith WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump pulled off one of the biggest upsets in American political history when he toppled Hillary Clinton in the U.S. presidential election on Tuesday - and he did it using far less cash than his rival. Relying heavily on an unorthodox


Going absolutely nuclear on The Young Turks and every #SJW leftist asshat simply boiling Trump's historic victory down to "racism" and "sexism". Allow me to ...


Call it the Archie Bunker revolt. Republican Donald Trump pulled off the most stunning victory in Americans presidential history by drawing on the votes of working-class white men who used to form a key plank of support for the Democratic party.


We’ve never had an outsider president like Trump. The closest was another populist, Andrew Jackson, writes Paul Brandus.


American stocks rose in morning trading, offering a respite from the wild ride in Europe and Asia.


Donald Trump has done what Ronald Reagan did. He beat back a hostile press, smears by his opponent, outrage by foreign leaders, vast campaign spending by Wall Street and the wealthy one percent, and vows by actors and rock stars to leave the country if he was elected president.
Trump falls short of Reagan in many ways. He’s unlikely to be as consequential a president. But he has an opportunity in his first 100 days in the White House to put Washington on a new and entirely unexpected course. And harness an out-of-control federal bureaucracy—the so-called administrative state.
He has promised to repeal ObamaCare, nullify all of President Obama's executive orders and memoranda, begin a wall along the border with Mexico and begin deporting illegal immigrants convicted of crimes, cut individual and corporate tax rates, kill the Iran nuclear deal, deregulate energy production, and start negotiations to rewrite trade treaties.


Hillary Clinton had her concession speech prepared - she just never thought she’d need to read it out loud. And when the moment came early today to admit that her lifelong dream of becoming America’s first woman president had been dashed, she simply couldn’t face the world. The devastated Democratic candidate remained locked in her New York hotel room as it became clear that her glass ceiling had come crashing down around her.


The Leftwing Media Is Having a Meltdown Over Trump's Victory--Here Are Their Headlines to Prove It - Leah Barkoukis: Nearly all the pundits and pollsters got this election wrong. .11/09/2016 10:58:58AM EST.


More than a dozen celebrities from all corners of the entertainment industry have pledged to flee America if Trump is elected president.


Violent anti-Trump protests and riots broke out in several West Coast cities as news of Donald Trump's victory in the 2016 election spread.


President Barack Obama's response to Donald Trump's Mean Tweet! Click The Thumbs Up If You Like This Video