
“The inauguration images of Obama handing over power to Trump are indeed going to be delicious schadenfreude.”


Going absolutely nuclear on The Young Turks and every #SJW leftist asshat simply boiling Trump's historic victory down to "racism" and "sexism". Allow me to ...


Cokie Roberts: 'Probably' 'A Strong Sentiment About Not Having a Woman President'


Barack Obama decided that it would be in his best interest to fully involve himself in the 2016 presidential election process.


Trump’s victory in the presidential race is “bigger than Brexit”, interim UKIP leader Nigel Farage has said.


“Can't wait to see Trump get assassinated on live tv.
Putting it on my vision board.”


Here is what eight years of President Obama's


What most people haven't realized yet is the extent to which Donald Trump's election victory is the unintended legacy of President Obama.


Dozens of celebrity Clinton supporters took to Twitter to vent their frustration after the results of Tuesday night's election.


Psychologist Jonathan Haidt studies the five moral values that form the basis of our political choices, whether we're left, right or center. In this eye-opening talk, he pinpoints the moral values that liberals and conservatives tend to honor most.


To increase viewpoint diversity in the academy, with a special focus on the social sciences.


The GOP is seen taking 236 seats to the Democrats' 199, according to NBC.


A regular on “The Savage Nation” radio show during the long presidential election season, Donald Trump called Michael Savage on the afternoon of Election Day, giving an update of how he sees the vote unfolding and his reflections on his record-breaking, anti-establishment campaign. “We’re just hearing very good things, Michael. We’re hearing tremendous numbers (of […]


President Donald Trump's victory speech after being elected 45th President of USA. Donald John Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States on T...


Liberals in California now want to secede from the Union because voters elected Donald Trump, using the hashtag #Calexit


Millions of Americans just sent a loud message to the DC elite.


Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.


The hardest working man in politics won his prize fair and square in the earliest hours of Wednesday. President-elect Donald Trump made what was repeatedly billed as a “gracious” and wise speech after winning the 2016 race for the White House - a stunning upset, according to a mostly stunned news media.


The 2016 presidential election began breaking toward Republican Donald Trump as Tuesday night wore on into Wednesday and over on CBS, Slate columnist Jamelle Bouie repeatedly played the race card and even shamefully compared the surprise and repudiation of the establishment to racists and segregationists defeating Civil War Reconstruction.


Building materials companies are poised to profit if Donald Trump builds his wall