Hillary and Huma having some thoughts on Bill Clinton and Anthony Weiner being such perverts. Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016
Even at the end of a presidential campaign, polls don’t perfectly predict the final margin in the election. Sometimes the final polls are quite accurate. An average of national polls in the week be…
Despite attention on the Clinton-Trump race, experts are skeptical that the public will care much about issues after Election Day.
Hillary Clinton called advisor a 'Fucking Jew Bastard' - antisemitism ----------------------- ----------------------- antisemitism jewish israel hillary clin...
When President Obama took office in January 2009, 80,529,000 Americans were not in the labor force, and that number has steadily risen during his two terms to its current 94-million level. The number reached a record 94,708,000 this past May.
To the editor:
A Kurdish church leader smuggled to Britain says he received death threats – for having left Islam for Christianity – while living in makeshift camps in northern France.
A bystander took their photo. A relative turned them in to the police.
What transgender student Gavin Grimm needs is what all mentally ill people need: support, not enabling. Our media and courts refuse to provide that.
Editor in chief says they canned him for 'behavior that would not be tolerated in any organization.'
Sean Brown AMERICA'S FREEDOM FIGHTERS - College campuses have become bastions of liberal snowflake ideology...
Choking is never pretty to watch, whether by a football team, in a child or by a political candidate suddenly running in blind panic. Nobody does the choke better than Hillary Clinton.
Until now, Sir David Attenborough was one of the few individuals in the public eye not to have broached the ever-present, all-pervasive topic of Donald Trump. However, the naturalist and beloved broadcaster has now given his assessment of the situation and suggested a way to counter the Republican’s ascent to power which, believe it or not, involves a gun.
Rogue ballots and dead voters!
WikiLeaks has released what may be the most disturbing email leaked from Hillary Clinton's inner circle.
“White people at the 5C’s: we’re all racist. we’re all microaggressive. We are all not only complicit in, but actively perpetuating white supremacy.”
OpEd: American democracy is in trouble, but with a “yes” vote on Question 5 Mainers could do something significant to begin to fix it.
Days after searching the Delaware County office of a Democratic grassroots organization for evidence of voter-registration fraud, state police on Thursday raided a second office - this one in Philadelphia.
Counterterrorism officials being told three states could be targets but credibility of the intelligence hasn’t been confirmed, sources say
James Comey surely had no idea what he was in for. The FBI director knew his decision to notify Congress of effectively re-opening the Clinton e-mail investigation would cause a firestorm. But even…
Thinking about where we might be on November 9th, and what else a president fond of unilateral authority could still do.
Only 7 days left b4 we elect our next President I'm so excited & honored 2b a part of this MOVEMENT.I knew this day would come
The 'Happy' singer said if every woman in America voted for Clinton, Republican Donald Trump wouldn't stand a chance.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Florida: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein