
Hillary Clinton can not tell the truth when it comes to TPP and Amnesty, and her real dream of open trade and open borders. Cartoon by A.F. Branco


A newly released email from the State Department shows that Hillary Clinton was informed in April 2009 of a massive theft of data pertaining to former President Bill Clinton’s White House records. On April 13, 2009, Clinton attorney Cheryl Mills informed newly sworn-in Secretary of State Hillary Clinton via email that the National Archives could not account for a two-terabyte hard drive. “The drive may contain a wide range of memos, emails, and other electronic documents from the Clinton White House.” The hard drive contained information from the administration of her husband, former President Bill Clinton. The email was made public from State Department files on Thursday as part of an ongoing release of recovered emails that had been previously deleted from Clinton’s private server. The forwarded email said the National Archives had a duplicate and was examining it to know what was stolen. It was stolen or misplaced between Jan. 30, 2009, and March 24, 2009. The possible data


Obama: Donald Trump Would Tolerate Klan If Elected President


Former NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen believes more global interventionism by the US is needed to achieve peace and prevent conflict. He says US needs to be “the world’s policeman” and criticizes outgoing President Obama for not having done enough.


From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Obama betrayer Wh will affirm . Hapless legislator Senators members will affirm . False promiser policy elites will affirm . Can t win black people will affirm .
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 21 2016 at 10 48 PM John Podesta john.podesta gmail.com mail ...


In today's video, Christopher Greene of AMTV reports on Steve Pieczenik controversial report that a coup d'état is taking place in the United States of America.


A dip in African-American turnout has knocked Democratic early voting numbers off their 2012 pace in key battleground states like North Carolina.


Why would any sane person even consider joining the Baltimore Police Department?


Granted, she likely has a LOT on her mind right now, given multiple FBI and IRS investigations into her Clinton Foundation dealings. She also looks very-very tired. And now this is trending: #HillaryHasDementia @FoxNews Hillary called Wintersville NC—GREENVILLE!! TWICE!! LOL. She's LOST! — SMILE ð (@beachlvr21399) November 3, 2016 Hilary in WINTERVILLE NC keeps saying …


Let’s be honest about the abhorrent logistics of Trump’s pledge to round up immigrants. We have seen this before. CONNECT WITH GQ Web: http://gqm.ag/GQVIDE0S...


By Gregg Jarrett Published November 03, 2016 | FoxNews.comAmericans who lived through the nightmares of both the Watergate and Lewinsky scandals recall vividly how every day seemed to produce new


Politics is obviously good fodder for comedians, and Meyers is free to do whatever he wants with his show. But that doesn’t make explicitly political comedy any less


some communication was necessary says State Dept.


In the early 1920s, one of the largest labour uprisings in US history took place in Logan County, in West Virginia's rich coal country. Today, as the region struggles to cope with the industry's downturn, Donald Trump is at the centre of a new rebellion.


Filmmaker Michael Moore made an appearance on the Clinton News Network to clarify an audio clip from his Trumpland documentary that has gone viral, in which he sounds like he's defending Trump supporters and explaining why The Donald will be the next president.
Host Jake Tapper asks Moore what he thinks about the Trump campaign, CNN using only the part of the clip they wanted their viewers to hear and carefully leaving out the rest.


A New York elementary school has canceled its traditional mock presidential election after kids chanted “Trump” and repeated “negative rhetoric about minorities,” according to the school principal.


“This surveymonkey crosstabs map is pretty fun. Below: unmarried women, unmarried men, married women and married men. https://t.co/klbbNrGX5L”


The Clinton's are accused of operating the charity as a pay-for-play scheme - a charge they have denied.


Think Clinton's a given? She isn't.


U.S. District Judge Loretta Biggs slammed an ongoing North Carolinian voter purge during a dramatic Wednesday hearing, telling county attorneys that sh ...


AN ISLAMIC activist has claimed that Muslims have the right to use Sharia law and branded the Government’s inquiry into the matter as an “interference”.


The Clinton's are accused of operating the charity as a pay-for-play scheme - a charge they have denied.


On Thursday morning, a Los Angeles Times journalist who writes on South and North Korea for the Times tweeted that he would “rather see Trump’s life end” than see Donald Trump’s life in photos: