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Just when you thought the lawlessness of the most lawless administration in the history of the republic could not get worse, the U.S. Department of Justice files another legal brief, and it does.


Do these latest election “results” confirm that the fix is in and the vote is rigged?


RUSH: We talked about Peter Kadzik... This guy went to school with Podesta. It's been learned that he sent Podesta an email May 19th, 2015, warning him about the email investigation and future investigation elements. This guy Kadzik was warning the Hillary campaign of what the nature of the investigations into her were. In other words, this would be like a detective telling a suspect what's coming so the suspect could make moves to escape. That's what's happened.


A pro-Trump rally at Penn State went south when counter-protesters attacked a "Trump Wall" and vandalized campaign signs.


By mid-October, Susan Halperin became concerned that she and her husband hadn't received their absentee ballots in the mail.


A leaked memo from current Clinton campaign chair John Podesta to a handful of liberal billionaires in late 2007 lays out the longterm progressive strategy to dominate American politics by creating


Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson says he thinks Hillary Clinton could face impeachment over the continued FBI investigation into her private email server if she is elected president.


A historically black church in Greenville, Mississippi, was burned and spray-painted with the words “Vote Trump” late Tuesday evening. Firefighters and police officers responded to an emergency call at Hopewell Missionary Baptist Tuesday night around 9 p.m. to find the century-old church “heavily engulfed” in flames, Greenville Mayor Errick D. Simmons said…


“Why would you want to ‘use’ my dad?” Erica Garner is now asking.


The weekend ratings are out, and they aren?t good news for Leonardo DiCaprio?s Global Warming Epic ?Before the Flood?, which we reviewed yesterday on WUWT. Showbuzz Daily ha…


RepublishReprint By Josh Garrison: For many Americans, this year’s political climate has been too much. It has become overly evident just how divisive the rift between the left and the right has become. For most, these differences are divided along socioeconomic borders or with our countries borders, but for a select few this battle is...


Louis Farrakhan railed against Hillary Clinton during a sermon this past Sunday. The Nation of Islam leader first commended Donald Trump for taking away power from the media. Farrakhan noted th


Assistant AG Peter Kadzik appears to have given Podesta a ‘heads up’ on a congressional hearing.


A Justice Department official with close ties to Hillary Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta sent him a heads up last year to warn that lawmakers might question hearing witnesses about the candidate's private email server, emails released Wednesday by WikiLeaks show.


Weeks of wall-to-wall media coverage of Donald Trump's crude language and alleged misdeeds involving women don't seem to have hurt his standing among female voters, the IBD/TIPP presidential tracking poll shows.
That's not to say there isn't a gender gap — there's still a


The Philippines today must be considered as a possible future base of Chinese military operations.


The Southern Poverty Law Center mistakes conservatives with whom it disagrees for dangerous extremists.


A Democrat, no doubt. A woman in Texas, who is not a US citizen, was arrested last week for voting ...


Is it all right if I just take a moment to pat myself on the back? Bear with me a bit here… CNN has always been a left-wing network. Anyone who was around knows that throughout the 1990s, CNN worked overtime to earn its "Clinton News Network" moniker. The network was just as shameless when it came to destroying George W. Bush and electing Barack Obama. Something, though, changed dramatically for the worse three years ago.


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both faced side battles on the campaign trail Tuesday, with one having to denounce an unwanted quasi-endorsement and the other having to spar with a heckler at her rally.


Two Iowa police officers were gunned down in their squad cars in the early hours of Wednesday and a manhunt was under way after what authorities called ambush attacks.


Ever since it was announced, on Friday, that the FBI was pursuing new leads into the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server scandal, the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks have gone into attack mode against James Comey, turning what should be a scandal about Clinton into a smear against the FBI director.


Both of the Flint, Mich. women who asked questions about the city's lead-poisoned water during a March 6 Democratic debate hosted by CNN tell The Daily Caller that they did not talk to interim Democr