
Peter Kadzik gave Clinton’s campaign a heads up on information relevant to the FBI’s investigation.


Secret recordings of a suspect talking about the Clinton Foundation fueled an internal battle between FBI agents who wanted to pursue the case and corruption prosecutors who viewed the statements as worthless hearsay, people familiar with the matter said.


FBI Now 99% Certain at Least 5 Foreign Services Hacked Into Hillary's Server STUNNING!


In this video released by Project Veritas Action, a top Democratic donor is caught on camera disparaging members of the African American community at a fundr...


Thoughts of Brexit may be the reason 91% of gamblers are putting their money on the Republican nominee.


From skinny dippers to people who have actual intercourse with nature, ecosexuality is a growing movement taking a new approach to combatting climate change.


The FBI reopening of the Hillary email scandal case 11 days before the election is a huge disaster to her campaign. Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016


Leading up to the election Tuesday, Catholic Bishop William Murphy of Rockville Centre, NY, has implored the faithful to withhold their votes pro-abortion politicians, saying their stance on the issue is "sufficient reason" to disqualify their support.


The Government has been inflicted with Hillary Clinton politics for about 30 years, is Trump the cure? Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016


The word of the weekend was “protocol.” In deciding to tell Congress about a new trove of emails that may or may not contain classified information and may or may not relate to Hillary Clinton, FBI…


Use it to wipe fingerprints off your BlackBerry!


Earlier this year when Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and the National Rifle Association’s Wayne LaPierre addressed the NRA’s annual meeting both claimed that if she ever becomes president, Hillary Clinton will do all in her power to eviscerate or, in Mr. Trump’s words, “abolish” the Second Amendment to the Constitution. Mrs. Clinton and her supporters called the charges lies and claim there is no evidence that she wants to do either.


Politicians spread falsehoods about basic economics in their attempts to get elected, and citizens ought to be educated and hold them accountable.


The American Center for Law and Justice filed the lawsuit against the DOJ demanding more details of the meeting, which led to Loretta Lynch stepping aside from the server investigation.


Rand Paul: Hillary Could Get Five Years in Prison for Lying to Congress About Syrian Weapons


A University of Oregon law professor’s blackface Halloween costume provoked strong denunciation from UO President Michael Schill. “We condemn this action unequivocally as anathema to the University of Oregon’s cherished values of racial diversity and inclusion,” he wrote in an e-mail to campus. “The use of blackface, even in jest at a Halloween party, is patently offensive and reinforces historically racist stereotypes.


We mastodons who still receive our daily dose of New York Times when the dead-tree version lands on our doorsteps with a dull thud got a special treat Tuesday, a textbook case of the way the newspaper of record goes about its business these days. The front page headline read: Comey Role Recalls Hoover's F.B.I., Fairly or Not.
In one respect, the headline seemed almost banal. Why not compare James Comey with J. Edgar Hoover on the front page of the Times? After all, they've both worked as director of the FBI—Comey currently, of course, and Hoover for nearly half a century, from 1924 to 1972, though it seemed longer.
Yet there the similarities surely end. Comey, just for starters, is more than six and a half feet tall. Hoover would have had to wear lifts to qualify for the Lollipop Guild. Hoover, moreover, was a petty, paranoid bureaucrat who abused his self-bestowed power in shadowy secrecy. Comey is a law enforcement officer who has unintentionally created a commotion by trying to make his actions as transparent as possible.


Pollster Frank Luntz just indicated Team Hillary is down 60 electoral votes when compared to where the campaign was just a week ago. If the current trend holds, the Clinton campaign will see an Election Day collapse of historic proportion. Hillary Clinton has lost 60 electoral votes in one week on the @RealClearNews projection. She ?


What?s the deal with Democrats and the FBI this year? Seems like they?re getting tied to all sorts of shady stuff that the FBI is investigating. Hillary Clinton is tied to four big investigations, and now it seems like Florida Democrat Patrick Murphy, who is running against Marco Rubio for his Senate seat, is tied to another. The allegation — originally submitted by a Republican | Read More


Victims of Bill Clinton’s alleged sexual assault - Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, and Paula Jones - have blasted mainstream news media.


Will there be an eleventh-hour Never/Against/No Trump Reconsideration?
The question gains new relevance as a Hillary Clinton landslide, widely predicted until recently, now seems unlikely.
We are back to the razor’s edge, a likelihood of a close one- to three-point victory either way, and an even closer vote in the Electoral College. Once again, eyes focus on the Never Trump camp. It is at a crux, no doubt feeling schadenfreude that in extremis Donald Trump would beckon to them, of all people, with his “come home” campaign, while they are uneasy that his home-stretch themes, despite all the scary talk of a new exclusionary nationalism, nonetheless reflect most of the positions of their own mainstream conservatism.
The more inept Clinton, Inc. — shrill, ad hominem, and conspiratorial — becomes on the stump, oddly, the calmer Trump finally campaigns — again, prompting the question of whether enough Never or Against Trumpers will have second thoughts that might help Trump win close swing states such as North Carolina, Colorado, or Nevada. In other words, will watching the spiraling Clinton criminality and shamelessness finally drive some anti-Trump conservatives to hold their nose and vote Trump? Will enough conclude that a conservative in a swing state sitting out or voting for a symbolic candidate is a de facto sanction of an agenda that they have spent most of their lives opposing?
RELATED: The Case for Trump
Trump and Pence both have recently given impressive issues-orientated speeches. In contrast, an exasperated Hillary Clinton keeps resorting to Jimmy Carter’s 1980 tactic of demonizing the Republican nominee as dangerous, ill-tempered, and existentially reckless — without much interest in reminding supporters of the supposed benefits of her own progressive agenda. Her campaign is being reduced to unimaginative but familiar Clinton boilerplate: Trump is a bad guy, and the formerly sterling FBI director, James Comey, is now a corrupt Trump partisan. At the end, who thought that Trump would be subdued and campaigning on the issues, and the supposedly cool professional politico Clinton reduced to frenetic smears and conspiracies? Otherwise, Clinton apparently believes that, after her motor blew up this past weekend, the Democratic campaign boat can still coast to shore just ahead of a rapidly closing Trump. She could be right.
For all the talk of buffoonery versus criminality, the divide, at least in November 2016, is over issues and ostensibly could not be clearer for both conservatives and liberals.
On the Supreme Court, Obamacare, the debt, rebuilding the military, the Second Amendment, school choice, abortion, reforming the tax code, reexamining regulation, energy exploration and production, illegal immigration, sanctuary cities, and a host of other issues, the Republican ticket is the antithesis of Clinton/Kaine — and is recognized as such by nearly all progressives. Unlike the Democratic prospect, the conservative message oddly still has the chance of being empowered by both Houses of Congress and eventually a Supreme Court.
It is said that the election poses risks. In fact, in the sense of uncertainty, it does not, at least in the case of Hillary Clinton.
WikiLeaks, the DNC revelations, the FBI investigations, the Podesta trove, etc., all remind voters in this lowball campaign that Clinton is not a more moral and ethical candidate than Trump, whatever his flaws and shortcomings. And the world we glimpse in John Podesta e-mails is an accurate reflection of the values and interests that created and enriched the Clintons and that would continue their insidious influence in a second Clinton presidency. Remember that the Clinton remorse, such as it is, is not over graft and sabotage of the law and high office but merely over having their habitual corruption exposed. The weird case of Anthony Weiner’s e-mails completed the Clinton circle from immorality to farce, as hubris earned Nemesis — who, remember, always arrives late and in strange incarnations.
It is said that the election poses risks. In fact, in the sense of uncertainty, it does not, at least in the case of Hillary Clinton: There is no mystery at all. Her long record, campaign, published platform, and solidarity with Barack Obama would ensure a twelve-year era of continuing left-wing court appointees, as well as a likely single-payer rescue for the failed Obamacare, more debt incurred for entitlements, a shrinking and more politicized military, more efforts to prune the Second Amendment, no to school choice, expansion of abortion opportunities, more hidden higher taxes on the middle classes and more overt higher taxes on the upper-middle classes, more regulations on small business, more tribal divisiveness, open borders, sanctuary cities and amnesties, crony-green capitalism, and a continued war on fossil fuels. And, of course, there will be endless investigations, more ruined lives of obsequious subordinates, more attacks on prosecutors and the FBI, plea bargains, and scandals as leaks just keep leaking — and always more white lies like her recent false assertion that James Comey wrote his reinvestigation letter only to Republicans.
#related#Clinton’s only remaining advantage is Democratic unity in comparison with the minority party’s fragmentation. Strangely, the supposedly idealist Bernie Sanders, who is the victim of deliberate Clinton-inspired sabotage and subterfuge, in a way that was not paralleled during the Republican primaries, has no compunction about rallying his base to support Hillary. In contrast, Trump’s uncouthness has turned off his rivals and their supporters, who still in large part insist that they will not support him despite the transparency of the primaries and the long-ago oath of fealty of the Republican candidates to the eventual nominee.
The election could depend on how many center-right Republican moderates and independents decide that Hillary’s left-wing visions of a 21st-century America and her innate criminality finally become too much to endure, and how many at last demand her retirement from politics.
If 300,000 to 400,00 apostates in three or four swing states feel that way over the weekend, and come home, she would be finished.
— NRO contributor Victor Davis Hanson is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and the author, most recently, of The Savior Generals.


In his 1961 farewell address, President Dwight Eisenhower famously warned America about the “unwarranted influence” of a “military-industrial complex.” Were he speaking today, Ike might be warning …


Tuesday was another pretty good day of polling for Donald Trump. It’s also not an easy day to characterize given the large number of polls published. You could cherry-pick and point to the poll tha…