Even Voldemort has free-speech rights.
What in the world is happening to America?  Recently, I was asked to describe what we are watching happen to our nation.  After thinking about it, I have come to the conclusion that it is almost as…
Sen. Tom Cotton accepted the challenge, but President Obama’s speechwriter and high-ranking foreign policy adviser Ben Rhodes ducked out of a hearing Tuesday where he was to explain whether he misled the country in pushing the Iran nuclear deal.
Bernie Sanders makes an appearance in Salem, Oregon, May 10th, 2016, and we chat with some of the people waiting in line to see him. We get their take on Don...
Burlington College, the small private liberal arts school in Vermont once headed by Jane Sanders -- wife of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders -- has announced it will close its doors permanently at the end of this month due to the "crushing weight" of debt incurred from a real estate deal during her time as president.
Burlington College, a tiny Vermont liberal arts school once led by Jane Sanders, the wife of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, said it is shutting down because of financial problems associated with a property acquisition she oversaw.
22 Percent of Resettled Refugees in Minnesota Test Positive for Tuberculosis
WASHINGTON (AP) -- African-Americans are doing about the same as they have in previous years as the nation rises out of the Great Recession, and much better than they did when its first "State of Black America" report came out 40 years ago, the National Urban League said Tuesday.
Hillary Clinton has a new plan for the Federal Reserve. No, it isn’t an audit. She wants more women and minorities and people who know nothing about banking to be included in the Federal Reserve process.
Anti-Target Campaign 'Flush Target' Truck to Visit Every Target Store in Minnesota
On Monday, Burlington College in Vermont announced it would close May 27 because of  “the crushing weight of the debt” Bernie Sanders’ wife, Jane O’Meara Sanders, who served as the president of Burlington College, incurred when she took out $10 million in loans on behalf of the college which it couldn’t repay.

Culture War - Pat Buchanan

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Republican presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan gives his famous 'culture war' speech at the Republican National Convention, August 17th 1992.
Anti-discrimination fights and debate disses shape the last pre-convention debate of leading Libertarian Party presidential candidates.
An in-depth report revealing how some Christian refugees are being persecuted in German refugee camps. ...
The American Conservative Union has rejected Facebook’s offer to be part of a meeting this week to discuss the online giant’s liberal bias, saying the issues run deeper than a single meeting or an algorithm that slights conservatives.
A contentious Nevada Democratic convention  this past weekend has led to a barrage of threats against the chairwoman of the state party.  
In Obama’s America, it is open season on whites. White Americans now seem to have a “Kick Me” sign on their backs because bashing whites has become a popular sport, especially on college campuses.…
The Supreme Court issued a unanimous opinion today in the case involving the Little Sisters of the Poor, which have been fighting to not be forced to pay for ab
NumbersUSA pulls quotes from Bill Clinton talking illegal immigration and the problem of border control and being a nation of laws from his 1996 State of the Union which shows a striking comparison to what presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been saying about the subject. From Clinton's 1996 State of the Union address: But there are some areas that the federal government should not leave and should address and address strongly. One of these areas is the problem of illegal immigration. After years of neglect, this administration has taken a strong stand to stiffen the protection of our borders. We are increasing border controls by 50 percent. We are increasing inspections to prevent the hiring of illegal immigrants. And tonight, I announce I will sign an executive order to deny federal contracts to businesses that hire illegal immigrants. Let me be very clear about this: We are still a nation of immigrants; we should be proud of it. We should honor every legal immigrant here, working hard to become a new citizen. But we are also a nation of laws.
Hillary has a plan to stop Donald Trump. It will probably fail. Donald Trump has a plan to stop Hillary. It will probably succeed. According to Politico, Hillary’s plan to tackle Trump will focus on three specific shortcomings other than his stubby fingers: that he’s divisive, that he’s dangerous, and that he’s a con man. Trump is divisive, but so is Clinton; Trump is dangerous, but so is Clinton; Trump is a con man, but so is Clinton.
Al-Qaeda may be training one of Osama bin Laden’s young sons for a leadership position within the jihadist organization.
Millennials embrace Bernie Sanders's socialism, but they seem ignorant of what it is.
Black Lives Matter Activists Tear Down Memorial to Slain Police